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Vibe From The Korg Electribe by C4

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Welcome to Christmas! A young virgin female named Mary told her husband, Adam Joseph that she had been visited by no one less than archangel Gabriel who consigned to her she had been chosen to bear the Son of Acid and his name was to be Jack.
When Ceasar Augustus had the great idea of introducing a new tax, he ordered everybody to register somewhere. So Mary and Joe left Nazareth for the next bigger city, Chicago. They traveled for many days and nights, pregnant Mary rode on a donkey while Joe walked beside her. It was dark night when they reached their destination but they found no shelter - as all the rooms were already occupied by people that were a lil faster than them.
Therefore their donkey took them to a dinky but gemütlich warehouse stable. With cattle, horse and maybe some goats they shared the bivouac.
On the next Day, exactly (well, more or less exactly, to be honest) yesterday, 2011 years ago, the child was born and a great star emerged on the firmament. An angel appeared to the nearby shepherds and told them not to fear: "For I bring you tidings of great joy." Suddenly the sky was filled with acid, praising the Lord. Jack was born.
This is the original soundtrack.


  1. the journey to planet Acid
  2. party starter
  3. abandoned warehouse rave district
  4. bad trippin'
You can download or listen individual files at its and page

20k333 | 2011-12-26 | 20kbps