07. Jul 24 sumer is icumen in. Depending on where you are though, it may be winter, as it is for 20kbps. Hot or cold, be sure not to miss the latest 20kbps. This time we welcome Unsign to 20kbps, who is debuting here with an album comprised of an epic 13 tracks: Unsign - All You Need Is Lo' (20k380) (release page) (zip)
12. Mar 24 For the days of celebration of fertility, a box full of unadulterated harshnoise. In the author's own words: «All patching, swinging, tweaking and switching by RK on Bastl/Casper BitRanger. Pure one‑take‑live recording with no additional production.» Get rdkpl - brt_nick (20k379) (release page) (zip)
10. Jan 24 New year, new sounds! Enjoy with us this epic length ambient/soundscape/experimental release from artist We Fall. Generator bleep bubbles and hazy drones abound.

We Fall - Sine Lime Paradise (20k378) (release page) (zip)

Also, in another shameless plug, your netlabel concierge announces a new, no-label release of their own, available here:

Previous to that, concierge has made a release on our friend netlabel sub65. Check out sub65!
05. Nov 23 ceasefire now
18. Aug 23

Zippy Kid and Razxca present this split single. Enjoy noise, find an electric guitar solo along the way. 20k377 available here now. (release page) (zip)

Also, some news regarding the technical side of 20kbps. While looking the same as before, the netlabel has been completely re‑implemented by The Hardliner, with the new version having gone live when 20y20k was released. It has always been the intention to open-source the code eventually, which has now happened. Check out the repo:

If you're interested in a behind-the-scenes look at how a release is published, find a video of it here: publishing_a_release.mp4.

21. Jun 23 A faint sign of life from your label head. In this single, The Hardliner presents a rendition of two favourite Morrissey/The Smiths songs in a traditional chiptune style. Get morrisx (20k376) now! (release page) (zip)
20. Apr 23 Merzlux, the experimental electronic music project by Vziel, presents a new two-track single exploring artifice and chaos through a unique soundscape. The tracks offer a captivating auditory experience, showcasing the project's experimental sound. Merzlux - Sweitter Watood (20k375) (release page) (zip)
07. Mar 23 We've just released 'Indenumbra Poltergeist', a haunting album by Humanfobia. 10 tracks of lo-fi horror, with a witchcraft and demonic possession theme. Available now on 20kbps. Humanfobia - Indenumbra Poltergeist (20k374) (release page) (zip)
27. Dec 22

The day has come. 20kbps has completed its second decade. With great pleasure, 20kbps presents to you today: 20y20k (release page) (zip). Artists across all generations of 20kbps contributors, and some who will have their first release here soon, have joined to create this truly exceptional album. Special thanks to old 20kbps artists who dusted off their DAW just to make a track for the compilation. Long live lobit!

07. May 22 Asked why they used Indonesian language for naming their release, the enigmatic artist's reply was: ‘I think because Indonesian sounds urban, which suited my project.’ Enjoy with us these atmospheric tracks by diobati tanpa. (release page) (zip)
25. Oct 21 Origami Repetika, no less. The artist whose free music was recently randomly picked up and used as a background track by a Bollywood-style singer is back with another 20kbps release. No singing this time though, although it's not hard to imagine someone would like to sing or hum a tune to these pleasurable downtempo tracks. So it wouldn't be too surprising if these were also turned into songs by someone out there. Be sure to bring your cardigan to this desert (zip).
07. Aug 21 This new release comes with a track count that 20kbps has never seen before in an individual artist's album. Counting no less than fifty tracks, it's actually a music generating machine, a veritable intonarumore, with an aleatoric element creating endless (well, factorial(50)) configurations, for according to the artist's instructions, the tracks are meant to be shuffled. In Unseq's own words: A detailed exploration of a corrupted mind; thoughts scrambled by inner demons striking at the core. Unseq - Subject Xi (zip)
01. Jun 21 It's in these days of Victorian winter and illness that a gift from long-term contributor and Genetic Trance head Surrogate Sigma (also vziel, Yerunda, Marasmatronics, …) has reached 20kbps. Sparse and austere, it soothes a mind oversaturated with meaning, myth, and metaphor, and instead presents the vastness and cold of a snow desert: Surrogate Sigma - untitled (zip)
07. Apr 21 Back with a new release by artist Mauk Tenieb ( who is making his first appearance on 20kbps. Mauk Tenieb has soaked up Hungarian underground culture during the years he lived in Budapest, as some of his titles show. Now he is presenting us with a 45min illbient album/tape which amalgamates a plethora of images, influences and inspirations. Check it out! Esiön (zip)
26. July 20 Weathered by yet another month, 20kbps is thankful for the opportunity to present Wonder & Suspicion in Cryptomnesia (zip), a 10-track album by Origami Repetika. Incorporating only the finest of dreamy shoegaze jangle pop, these are songs that evoke the subtle emotions that call for new words to be invented. (See for inspiration.)
28. June 20 It was a real treat for the new label administration when composer and fellow musicology graduate Slow Wave Sleep appeared out of the blue and gifted 20kbps with this beautiful song of his, which he had chiptune producers Megus and Tiasu arrange into two masterfully crafted versions. Built around a clear‑cut vocal line, sung in Italian in one of the two versions, this release is a strong example of netaudio as a melting pot for traditionally oriented composition and digital genres, producing alloys that can have intriguing properties. Slow Wave Sleep - Elogio della follia (zip)
14. June 20 From the glitches and bleeps of track a to the mellow piano chords of track c to an extended atmospheric drone finale, this EP presents us with a variety of musical expressions employed by producer slowfreq, who is releasing on 20kbps for the first time. slowfreq - tunnel (zip)
31. May 20 The first submission sent to 20kbps's new inbox came from Yeah I Know It Sucks's own Kai Nobuko (aka Toxic Chicken). It is a one-track single consisting of a fifteen-minute long track of pleasant IDM. Good for imaginary ballets in imaginative (or imaginary?) minds. Kai Nobuko - Typical Trip (zip)
Also, 𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕪 𝕓𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕒𝕤! 🎆
28. May 20 On the subject of political statements being made by netlabels in general, and 20kbps in particular, the founder of 20kbps has this to say.
18. May 20 And what better song to start the new chapter with than the one that was written for the one who started it all. There are two songs, actually. They're by Origami Repetika, who runs sub65 and hosts The Lowdown, the radio program for the lobit scene. Enjoy Origami Repetika - A Friend in Space and Time (zip).
17. May 20 To clarify the current and future situation surrounding 20kbps, an announcement has been published. Please read it here.
29. Jan 20 This may be the final 20kbps update, because of my declining health. Before we come to the new releases, make sure you've read The Hardliner's blog post about 20kbps. Our three likely final releases are:
Tiholaz - Playing the Piano for Five Minutes (cEXc Remixes) (zip) by Matri Oxar,
Summerhit (zip) by daftN0!ze and
Sunhigh & Trenchlow (zip) by Mi Croevkhas.
Thanks and greetings to everybody in the lobit community! It's almost 20 years that 20kbps has been started and I'm very happy to see that there are still new lobit netlabels and even radio-shows getting founded these days. So while 20kbps may not be active in the future, the lobit scene is stille alive.
27. Apr 19 This is the second time this month that an artist is back on 20kbps after a very long break. Strange days we're living in! Check out Film-Noir (zip) by JKP.
03. Apr 19 A new release is here! batteries low ep (zip) by Duality Micro.
03. Mar 19 A new season, a new release: 2-cig (zip) by Holorime.
17. Jan 19 Happy new year!! 20kbps is back in 2019 with three releases: Thrust Pomp's Fucker (zip), a short gabber EP, b0ln0 by karambol bolno (zip) and Profundidad Del Tiempo (zip) by Pablo Javier Piacente. Don't forget tomorrow's Slackjackerz radio show which will feature an 1h 20kbps special, the show will beginn at 10pm (UTC+1). We're happy to present you subterranean by design (zip) by c4. Nuff said - just listen for yo-self!
27. Dec 18 today 20kbps is exactly sweet sixteen years old. origami repetika and kai nobuko have organized a celebration compilation called 20kbps Rec. Sweet Sixteen Birthday (discogs) featuring a lot of early 20kbps artists but also some new faces, it's been released some hours ago on the infamous L0BIT netlabel. 20kbps is overwhelmed. thanks to everybody who contributed. lobit forever!
17. Dec 18 We're happy to present you subterranean by design (zip) by c4. Nuff said - just listen for yo-self!
17. Dec 18 check out my interview for Keith Helt's wonderful netlabel interview project.
15. Jun 18 We present you this year's summer hit: Surrogate Sigma's The Monarc.
14. May 18 Our second release for this year is Benchmarked V2 by Breschniev and Mech, with a follow up to their 2003 20kbps release Benchmark in the DJM.
18. Apr 18 We are never gone. Just slow. 2018 starts with Vol.1 by 20kbps debutee q24.
17. Feb 17 There are some Things and they are from Toxic Chicken.
30. Jan 17 Hop on the Jamboree Train, Origami Repetika reserved a seat for you.
12. Jan 17 Ci risiamo: Saldi di Sergio Stallone!!! Next stops on our journey to blissful insanity: origami and toxic.
04. Jan 17 There was some stuff I wanted to tell you but I forgot. Nevermind, what's really important is our new release: Charles is in da House by John Geilo aka Y0n4z. That and a happy 2017!
14. Nov 16 It's exactly a month since our last release, so it's time to drop Hatred, by d\ruffnik. And now for something completely different: From the release page you can now directly access the Yeah, I know it sucks review, that is of course, if there is one.
14. Oct 16 The force ist strong with us this year. Black boss is in the house, taking the trash out with his seminal Hood Stories, banging techno with latency effects. This is already our fourth release this year and there are at least two more to come! stay tuned, stay lobit.
02. Jan 16 Happy new year! We have three new releases, all of them 4-trackers: Echo, a dark ambient ep by Mono Syntax, Very Cool Party, a rave ep by Thrust Pomp and last but certainly not least: Stereo Realist, a techno dub ep by Stereo Realist, a new artist on our label.
We're also excited to hear that 20kbps got briefly mentioned in what seems to be a rather interesting book by Karen Collins of University of Waterloo, Canada: From Pac-Man to Pop Music, Interactive Audio in Games and New Media (on goodreads). Looking forward to read it.
05. Apr 15 Jacker Seppeli - Das isch no Musig-(20K342)-2015. We drop our first release in 2015: Das isch no musig
05. Apr 15 Check out this review about In Vitro on: Yeah, I know it sucks.
04. Nov 14 While we still have to properly release the last two outstanding ep's by hardliner (btw here's there's a good review, they called us even legendary) and overthruster, we can wait no longer, because, well listen for yourself: In Vitro
31. Dec 13 Hey, we've been a bit lazy lately. Even more lazy than usual that is. We managed to loose all demos sent to us (feel free to resend them) except the two we release today by two of our truest artists: the hardliner with Suicide Bag Safely Locked Away and overthruster with revursals. We add more infos, embed some videos for suicide bag and put them on archive, last, discogs and stuff in the next days. For now, we just wanted to make sure that we released something this year.
07. Jul 12 ready to take off tomorrow: the lobit music festival!!!!!! and stay tuned for new releases by c4, glasscarpenter, the hairy giant, IKCSzY, covolux and many more - as well as the resurrection of netlabelism's biggest anti-hero.
17. Jun 12 Music for airports was yesterday - clock soup for cooked airports is the shit now!
09. Apr 12 acid crush! after last year's acid x-mas gift for us, c4 felt like drugging the easter eggs, resulting in a Journey To The Centre Of Your Mind. it's awesome!
09. Apr 12 we made a release page for indu mezu's noisiki.
20. Mar 12 june lauren prescott's birthday release hitting 30 for the first time! now we have for the first time microdata implementation for rich snippets, WIA-ARIA stuff and html5 audio elements on the release page.
11. Mar 12 We have made a release page for Lee Rosevere's symphony for monotron!
04. Mar 12 With some delay we're happy to present another bird release by hertzcanary: birds don't come easy - w0rd!
17. Feb 12 tonite, slackjackerz radio-show will feature hertzcanary's upcomming birds don't come easy, to be released here later this weekend.
19. Jan 12 Stop SOPA & PIPA - Stop Censorship.
02. Jan 12 Happy New Year everybody!!! Here comes our first release in 2012: GLITCHY ATTITUTES. (the next rel will be by a german too!!!)
26. Dec 11 Good tidings we bring to you and your kin: vibe from the korg electribe. We wish you a Merry Christmas. Yeah, we know it's already over - but it's the spirit that counts - and that's not over. Jack to the sound of the underground. Acid on X-mas!
26. Dec 11 We've created release pages for Whµ Do Birds Sing So Gaµ and Birds Just Wanna Have Fun Fun Fun. What could that mean? Yeah, that's right! The birds saga will continue soon.
18. Dec 11 Old Autumn Tales ep (20k332). Check out the new ambient electronica release by Noisesurfer.
06. Dec 11 Check out new release: cautionary adhesive (20k331). Clicking it will bring you to the release page. Yeeaaah, that's some new shit - every forthcoming release will now have its own page. You can still download all zip's on the page with all the thumbnails. Genius!
20. Nov 11 d0x10 - ease trip sit-(20k329)-2011. d0x10 (soundcloud) is the alter ego of finnish artist and all-rounder Jukka-Pekka Kervinen (wikipedia). He has started the underground lobit label sphicot last june. After notable outputs on labels like bydlocore, limit cycle, Laptop Hooligans Net Label, Cubiculo Noise Recording, Top Of The Flops and many others, we are very happy to have him on board with us. ease trip sit is some dry experimental glitch shit, that is refined with dysfunctional micro house power. It is based on three loops he wrote, one for NES, one for Psytexx tracker running on an old Palm Tungsten and one for OPL3 raw data. Extremely exciting stuff! Topical background comes from a news article, which reported, that and got Blacklisted as Pirate Sites by Major Advertiser. Every track title is thus an anagram of the term "pirate sites": Iterate Piss, Easiest Trip, Sitarist Pee, Ear Spites it and Apes Tries it.
02. Nov 11 Origami Repetika - Pharmaceutically Damaged-(20k328)-2011. Origami Republika, the master of psychadelic chill out is picking us up again.
The opening tune Baby, I Can Fly Like a Bird is what a perfect sunny sunday morning in spring sounds like.
In the next track, Bugget Dragoon, which is a bit groomier, it looks like that blue sunday morning sky's getting overclouded suddenly.
The ep ends with an easy listening krautrock song, Kowboy Niggaz on Ponies, an antipode to the first two electro lounge pieces, yet also concamitantly their logical consequence. Metereologic disturbances breaking loose. The thunderstorm you've been longing for.
30. Oct 11 june lauren prescott - per suonarsi con calcolatore rotto-(20k327)-2011. June Lauren Prescott (visit her youtube-channel) is a young student of musicology at the university of Graz. It was only recently that she became interested in the computer as an artistic aid. The debut ep features interpretations of works from the baroque era.
It starts with two toccate, Matthias Weckmann's toccata in re minore followed by toaccata in fa maggiore bwv 450 by the famous Johann Sebastian Bach. Next is a take on of Orlando Gibbons fantasia in la minore. The rear end light, shining bright, is a wonderful version of Joseph Bodin de Boismortier's la decharnee.
You'll probably heard electronic cover versions of (pre-)classical pieces before, but this one is different: It's not meant to be funny and it's not meant to be cool. Prescott is not paying tribute to the zeitgeist, rather she's driven by the desire to crystallize the essence of these baroque compositions.
31. Jul 11 sea_office-_freon-(20k326)-2011. welcome to the arcane world of sea office! a world of mistuned pianos, vintage cassette recorders, cheap guitars and spooky ambient noises - all condensed into this ubercool mini ep. sea office is better known as lockbox (bandcamp, soundclound), a 17 year old fog hop producer from denver. together with a guy called sumguh he runs fog rattle.
24. Jul 11 genetic_trance_-_sour_action-(20k325)-2011. we are back from summer break, which we spent in kjiv (can only recommend it). the nice guys we are, we brought you a sweet little souvenir. did we say sweet? well, that was a lie. our chemists informed us that the actual pH-value of this release is a blank 0. genetic trance (genetic trance) jacks it to the 21st century. you'll love it.
04. Jul 11 cat_pain_black_udder_-_111-(20k324)-2011. this is now the 4th release in a row with a very special concept. cat pain black udder sets out from united kingdom to release a hundred tracks, every one uniquely named with a number between one and hundred. the tracks are published on ep's and albums which have as name a number greater than hundred. so far he released on the pet goat, ethno indigo, doministiku, pigdurt and the somewhat bizarre datahex. as the pieces are meant to be played in random order, this album marks our first release without a track order. one of the highlights features a recording from the artist's childhood, in which he tells us about his magic boots. a journey that never ends.
26. Jun 11 hertzcanary_-_whµ_do_birds_sing_so_gaµ-(20k323)-2011. simply the best! it has been somewhat quiet on the northern front the last years. but eons of waiting are over - hertzcanary's (abulia concepts) longed for new album is finally here. the new chapter in her obsession with birds goes beyond the scope of accustomed song structures: in der tritt von der alten she interweaves robot gonzo-style short story telling and elaborate bit hop sound with unprecedented artisanry. in sixteen tracks (of which the shortest takes only a second) she references german trash talk shows of the nineties, late night phone sex ads (in the humorous dezimalfetischist) and mc ayrton senna. music that will listen to you. time to bounce and jump!
25. Jun 11 Lee_Rosevere_-_Symphony_For_Monotron-(20k322)-2011. symphony for monotron embodies a very unique distribution concept: it is released in three movements on three netlabels. the 1st movement is on 8ravens, the 3rd movement is on proc (it's so groundbreaking our dear nethead colleagues failed at proper title naming). but guess who has the 2nd movement! yeah, that's right, we're very happy to announce the return of the happy puppy mastermind, who proves himself to be a true monotron virtuoso. excuses un-acceptable. download and play this opus post-haste.
05. Jun 11 microbit_project_-_sign-(20k321)-2011. microbit project is one of the big figureheads of lobit music. created at the end of 2008, it inspired other artists and enlightened listeners all over the world. this mash-up release is in now way different - never have you heard a barely legal bitrate (just around 18) sound like this before! floppypop on the rise.
29. Mai 11 Pollux_-_Music_Is_My_O²-(20k320)-2011. pollux is a son of zeus turned into an orange giant star, 34 light-years from earth. you can totally hear that. early enough for the feast day of the dioskouroi on july 15 we present you this immortal piece of ambient electronica. he is also head of the praise worthy underground label sirona.
29. Mai 11 tibol #4 is out! featuring an interview with consistency nature and great track selection by pollux.
23. Mai 11 vziel_projet_-_live_improvisation_2011-01-08-(20k319)-2011. don't work, make noise! judgement day got deferred once again, so we keep releasing. well, we would have anyway. somehow, the failing of the apocalypse is disappointing, as these experimental ambient drone like noise impro's would have made for a very apt soundtrack. vziel projet is a project by alex ischenkau who previously released on 20kbps as yerunda projet, genetic trance and marasmatronics projet. he is also the head of genetic trance, the netlabel with probably the highest output ratio in the world. they started last autumn and have already about as much releases as we do. that's sick! but the release is good - download and save it. you know for when.
21. Mai 11 HardPORNnoises_-_fuck_your_mouth-(30k318)-2011. fuck your mouth is a conceptual piece of audio art, split in three main parts: fuck, your and mouth. the strong message is accompagnied by pornographic front and back covers. adult entertainment by the head of justnoiseit. enjoy the last day!
21. Mai 11 tibol #3 is out. this time, it's hosted by dj madam adam and features some outstanding aciiiiid!
07. Mai 11 Toxic_Chicken_-_Chinese_Supa_Star-(20k317)-2011. chinese supa star - this is what you are! another four instanst dance smash hits by uberflieger toxic chicken. yes, it's toxic - but it's also just too fucking good! btw the ep was made on a dying laptop in poypet, cambodia and comes with very useful playback instructions. you don't eat this chicken - it eats you!
07. Mai 11 there's now a radio-show in town that is concerned with lobit stuff only. episode one of tibol featured 20kbps classics. it's hosted by toxic chicken and pollux.
25. Apr 11 Ploof_&_Consistency_Nature_-_The_Universal_Mail_Titans_Are_Dead-(20k316)-2011. the universal mail titans are dead, but who cares? the universal sound titans are alive and once again joined forces to build landscapes of vivid sonic imagery. ploof and consistency nature are both from california, usa. together or alone they published on sirona, justnoiseit, genetic trance, default, microbit, 4m@, justwallit and proc. and hopefully more on 20kbps soon!
25. Apr 11 did you already listen to our atarix megamix?
23. Mar 11 Yerunda_Projet_-_Livin'_in_a_Big_City-(20k315)-2011. experimental synth-pop from ukraine! do i have to say more? no. but i do it anyway: shaky, shaky lil body all nite long. you want more of this hot stuff? you better look on hyperactive genetic trance.
23. Mar 11 join us not at yet an other retard social site, plurk.
08. Mar 11 motone_-_ds10dr1z-(20K314)-2011. another premiere hits the strut - this is basically our first drones only release. three beautiful late night ambient drones made with korg ds-10 on ds lite. germany's motone is a versatile and gifted producer who appeared on r-bot, chipmusic, 8bitcollective, emar and catchyname.
26. Feb 11 Trianov_-_stone_of_confession-(20k313)-2011. we continue our conquest of the east with the addition of yet another brilliant modern music composer from ukraine. trianov is a multi-instrumentalist who works on the joint of different genres like noise ambient and avant-jazz. despite his young age, this is already his twelfth album. let me say this is a true masterpiece: this is a true masterpiece. you'll find more of his stuff on labels like drill, picpac and fokajazis.
13. Feb 11 6pyT_-_NES-(20k312)-2011. this is a chip noise ep by russian artist 6pyT (takkeherrie, nowaki and proc). 4 short and nice compositions - obsessed minimalism for the win. feels like spring!
05. Feb 11 genetic_trance_-_tha_acid_walkah-(20k311)-2011. this acid's made for walking, and that's just what it does. genetic trance (aka uziel alexander ischenkau, head of the netlabel genetic trance) releases on different lobit netlabels. this time on 20kbps with a cool acid techno live-recording.
05. Feb 11 check out origami repetika's video the odor of team spirit. smells like future.
28. Jan 11 atarix strikes back - but he needs your help! he enterered a remix-contest, please give him your vote: click the thumb up image, enter your email adress and activate your vote via email. let's make him #1.
26. Jan 11 Syncretic_-_Drink_Drink,_Fan_Fan,_Rub_Rub-(20k310)-2011.syncretic is a new project that was formed on a monday in last november. behind it is a highly talented producer from midlands, uk. recently, he debuted on microbit. this is his second work, a wonderful niveous downbeat ep, the soundtrack to your winter.
26. Jan 11 rate our music at rateyourmusic!
15. Jan 11 Marasmatronics_Projet_-_20-(20k309)-2011. marasmatronics projet is a project by the label head of genetic trance. it's dedicated to a new style called marasmatronics, a mixture of noise and experimental with a sprout of funkiness. this is the follow up to marasmatronics projet - 8 on 8 raven. he also released on the floppy netlabel 4m@-records.
15. Jan 11 join us now at tumblr!
08. Jan 11 Dizzonanz_Domestic_-_Daily_Frustrations-(20k308)-2011. we start the year with a fabulous noise ambient track by the fabulous dizzonanz domestic who has released stuff on many different labels like enough, clinical archives, amduscias records and sounds abound. straight from the underground!
08. Jan 11 razxca's 20kbps work has been rereleased in a gigantic 4gb big megacollection by the ukrainian label genetic trance.
31. Dec 10 VA_-_20kbps_Compilations_(2009-2010)_by_Jemset-(20komp2)-2010. it's new year's eve and we once again glance at the last 2 years that have past. jemset compiled a beauty-package with 16 very cool track. you'll find jkp, josstintimberlake, mr.dee, emmoti on, hertzcanary, duality micro, synthetic, Xorqz, C4, razxca, xedh, uberlulu and eugenekha inside.
31. Dec 10 check out our mixes at mixcloud.
29. Dec 10 Piacente_and_De_Angelis_-_La_hora_de_color_violeta-(20k307)-2010. Pablo Piacente teamed up with Mauro De Angelis to create an entire dark disco album with 12 splendid deep-fried tracks. the album is accompanied by a little booklet featuring castilian poems. our christmas gift to you!
13. Dec 10 Overthruster_-_Momma_Beat-(20k306)-2010. no doubt, overthruster was one of the most stunning artists of the last decade. we haven't heard from him for some time now, but we still hope, this decade will be no other. momma beat is a double sided thrill'n'bass hammer. all you face is seth.
23. Nov 10 JKP_-_Robot_concerto-(20k305)-2010. this release marks the return of the greatest invader since napoleon, but JKP needs no mercs to win our hearts: we just give in when we hear his beautiful lofi bleep tunes. epic win!
23. Nov 10 join us now on digg, you want it!
15. Nov 10 smart_young_cunt_-_faggotry_is_quite_alright-(20k304)-2010. up for some ldsj-action? know your are. you just can't restrain yourself, can't you? know you cunt. smart young count, better known as humiliation, who debuted here almost exactly a year ago. this somewhat controversial ep features 4 top notch bitpop tracks. hail gameboy! hail smart young cunt!
08. Nov 10 Sascha_Müller_-_Pattern_Work_EP-(20k303)-2010. the omni-present sascha müller (pharmacom-productions) first appeared here exactly 5 years and 1 month ago. we feel happy that he still finds the time to do releases for us. pattern work EP consists of two solid techno tracks, a breeze of good old 90ies gone by, yet futuristic as you can get. the virtual b-side, microprozessor, has some addicting acid, paying due to the cat-number.
01. Nov 10 hanlik_-_hanlik-(20k302)-2010. hanlik is heavy krautshock. hanlik is minneapolis. hanlik is real. hanlik is your next favorite rockband. hanlik is hanlik.
26. Oct 10 Ceremony_of_Degradation_-_STO-(20k301)-2010. Ceremony of Degradation is a russian govnoise (from russian slang term gavno, literally meaning shit) artist, who previously already released on Qulture Production and Noise Reactor. A psychaholic mad trip is waiting for you - designed by a dark ambient genius.
17. Oct 10 VA_-_300_-_bring'em_low_-_(20k300)-2010. finally! the show must go on: celebrating 20kbps release #300. 'cause they've got to ride forever on that range down low: applecore, arxo, atarix, Big Sugar Victorious, Cooloola Monster, D. Porno, Denner, Derex, Duality, Duality Micro, EugeneKha, Gert 300, Goto80, G O Z N E, Graffiti Mechanism, hamburguesan vegetal, hertzcanary, INDU MEZU, Jimmy Slaughter, Jemset, Josstintimberlake, k9d, Microbit Project, Mr.Dee, Nole Plastique, Olympic Smoker, Origami Repetika, Pablo Javier Piacente, Razxca, Sascha Müller, Scrap Heap, Sick To The Back Teeth, Static Bass, Steuker, Synthetic, The MM Project, Toxic Chicken, Xedh, Xorqz and others. incredible glitch-glatch covert art by the incredible bikecore. bring'em low!
06. Feb 10 tonite celebrates the oldest swiss netlabel - we're around for 8 years now. time goes fast. so make sure you don't miss it: 4 hours lobit stuff, only on radio radius.
04. Feb 10 c4_-_the_mad_skunk_burna-(20k299)-2010. you are now about to witness the international rave champion c4's (proc-rec) roughing up of the underground breakbeat battlefields. two smooth rolling freewheelers, that you will want to play again and again and again. and again.
04. Feb 10 join us now on our facebook-group!
11. Jan 10 dn76e -_fjk150-343-(20k298)-2010. happy new year! we start 2010 with an experimental glitch-hop manifestation by the ripping russian lo-bit project dn76e, known already from microbit records and 4m@-records. your ears will love it!
18. Nov 09 DJ_Humiliation_-_Love_Child-(20k297)-2009. enfant terrrrrible, dj humiliation debutes with a sonic gale of futuristic beats and seafood acid. hell breaks loose! great stuff done with LGPT and LSDj.
29. Oct 09 Pablo_Piacente_-_El_pulso_del_universo-(20k296)-2009. with pablo piacente, a new star is born on the elecro-pop firmament. our first artist from argentina reflects on the human condition and the direction taken by our civilization. equipped with weapons of music and literature, he develops an aesthetic vision of the universe, in a dualistic way you never heard before.
23. Oct 09 hertzcanary_-_birds_just_wanna_have_fun_fun_fun-(20k295)-2009. the mistress of glitch-funk is back at where she belongs - on our label that is! this ten piece album was all composed in old-fashioned tracker-style, but the sound is no doubt superfresh and uber-class. hertzcanary (abulia) at the top again!
23. Oct 09 the complete sell-out we are, we now have our own twitter-account. but we feel very lonely - be our first follower!
23. Oct 09 we have reached more than 30'000 listeners on! listen our playlists!
22. Oct 09 VA_-_20kbps_Compilations_(2007-2008)_by_Jemset-(20komp1)-2009. here united are some of the most wonderful tracks of the last two lobit years, compiled and ordered by jemset. including works of ceptual, c4, holden, leibnitz and the spinozas, mc ayrton senna, mystified, ne-q-baan', old oldman, razxca, the hardliner, tronic_koi, vega stereo and vivcaro.
20. Sep 09 Sick_To_The_Back_Teeth_-_Digital_Concrete-(20k294)-2009. an artful audio dainty, specifically composed in regard to lobit frequency ranges - by no one less than sick to the back teeth. atonal, polyrythmic loops you shouldn't miss!
22. Apr 09 JKP_-_Youpi_C_est_la_fete-(20k293)-2009. party time! another sonic slam dunk by our french maestro jkp. four firm airly dance tunes destined to sponge your brain. ear candy alert!
10. Apr 09 the_hardliner_-_songs_from_the_cerebral_courtyard-(20k292)-2009. good sound for good friday! minimalistic celestial evergreens by the greatest composer alive or undead: the hardliner strikes home again.
05. Apr 09 TOXIC_CHICKEN_-_Screw_It_All_Up!_20KBPS_single!-(20k291)-2009. advance notice: handled improperly, toxic chicken could make you ill or even kill you. an associate professor in the department of microbiology and immunology has found that every track in this ep is contaminated with 100% "unique and very interesting" elektro-trash-pop. we strongly recommend that small children not be allowed in the room while it is played since hot shit tends to affect children more severely than adults.
02. Apr 09 EugeneKha_-_Low_Bit!_Bit!_Bit!-(20k290)-2009. listening to this ep is just great pleasure. started in 2007, the project eugenekha is conquering the netlabel scene. don't miss this felicitous fusion of techno, big beat and funk!
31. Mar 09 Uberlulu_-_l'Araignee_Au_Plafond-(20k289)-2009. This is the lobit rerelease of an insane masterpiece album by our first artist from haiti, uberlulu. experimental psychadelics at its best!
04. Mar 09 Emmoti_ON_-_Apple_EP-(20k288)-2009. emmoti on (survival records, monokrak), our first artist from poland, rockets upward with a highly energetic lo-fi dance music ep. short, intense and to the point.
22. Feb 09 JKP_-_Lofi_with_attitude-(20k287)-2009. here comes the second french release in a row. jkp blends experimentalism with phunkee breakbeats, resulting in pure visionary supersonic enlightenment. dance!
07. Feb 09 weetalife_-_wave_ta_bixe-(20k286)-2009. acid tempest! with pleasure we introduce you the debut ep by weetalife, a very talented producer and dj from paris, france. don't miss these bonny acid techno and experimental tracks!
31. Jan 09 Evgenij_V._Kharitonov_-_3_Sound_Poems-(20k285)-2009. Evgenij V. Kharitonov (Moscow, Russia) is the publisher of the avant-garde and literary webzines another hemisphere and drogoe polusharie, head of microbit and another hemisphere rec, curator of the experimental poetry festival lapa azora and the man behind eugenkha, microbit project and yoko absorbing (with mikhail lezin). we are proud to present you three of his magnific surrealistic sound poems.
26. Jan 09 Jemset_-_20Kbps_mix-(20kmix003)-2009. jemset is not only an astonishing producer, he is also a very talented dj. this is a fabulous mix featuring techno, minimal and house tracks by holden, celtic rhythm, minimalist and josh vegas.
16. Jan 09 Josstintimberlake_-_mashup-(20k284)-2009. our first release in 2009 is a wicked bastard bit pop mash up masterwork by uk-based josstintimberlake (kittenrock, proc-rec, abulia, gainlad and northam). jumbling mc hammer, outthere brothers, michael jackson, daft punk and many others with crumbling chiptune, breakbeat and gabber. fantastic stuff!
05. Dec 08 VEGA_STEREO_-_GREETINGS_FROM_MOSCOW-(20k283)-2008. vega stereo is a minimal, ambient and techno duo founded in 2001. this ep is a showcase of their work from the beginning till now. higly atmospheric and beautiful describes it best. they already released on proc, and dexandthecity.
04. Dec 08 This_Not_Beated_-_Fuckers_In_Fucking_Hole_For_Fuck-(20k282)-2008. y0 fuckers! this ain't beated! this is the debut album by another russian discovery named 'this not beated'. more than 30 minutes rough electronica and bewitching noise. check it out!
18. Nov 08 THE_MM_PROJECT_-_I_HATE_U_ALL-(20k281)-2008. the mm project hates you! 20 minutes for 20kbps - full of noise with pixelpop melodies and nice electronic drums. he has released on many labels he hates, such as future :komp,, tonmagnet, floppyswop and kittenrock. download now and start to hate!
26. Oct 08 Astral_Vomit_-_16k_Fun_EP-(20k280)-2008. 16kbps sonic brutality by harsh noise junkie astral vomit. cool shit! astral vomit is head of two netlabels you should check out: hn and endofmusic.
25. Sep 08 Overthruster_-_Striking_Ox_Metal-(20k279)-2008. the follow up to 'ox striking metal' is a full energy blast dropping heavy breakbeats to give us a sense of digital undergound funkcore.
12. Sep 08

Scrap_Heap_-_Anticipation-(20k278)-2008. this is a single-track megamix of a bunch of mostly unreleased tracks by the co-founder of oceanbase - scrap heap (virginia, usa). bleepy electro roll, just the cream of the crop, ehm, scrap of the heap. existing since 2002, he has put out other remarkable releases on labels like proc, happy puppy, evil residence, treetrunk and nofi studios.

31. Aug 08 Leibnitz_and_the_Spinozas_-_tutte_le_cose_da_sapere_(disco_muto)-(20k277)-2008. in the three years since their first appearance on 20kbps, the italian post-rockband 'leibnitz and the spinozas' enhanced their unique style of experimental krautrock, to create a sound, that is unmatched in the whole alternative scene. thumbs up!!!
20. Aug 08 razxca_-_employted-(20k276)-2008. sonic wizard razxca is back with a new ultra-quick noise attack. the neologism in the title is a social commentary, denoting the state of being exploited at employment.
20. Aug 08 Aunderwex is rereleasing 'Fight' (20k039) on swiss cd-label trepok. the album was originally released under his moniker stAAahhll in july 2003. we don't know yet if the rerelease wil be in lobit or cd-quality. anyway - congratulations!
13. Aug 08 Mr.Dee _-_Tekmic_EP-(20k275)-2008. mr .dee (deep-x), a leading force behind the russian minimal techno netaudio scene, presents another crunchy click-clack five track ep - sexy rhythms, meant to make you dance!
16. Jul 08 Origami_Repetika_-_Audrey-(20k274)-2008. it's about time to present you the summer hit of 2008. lobit regular origami repetika's tribute to audrey hepburn is a alternative softpop song, almost as enchanting and charming as the actress herself.
10. Jul 08 c4_-_1986-(20k273)-2008. once again, hot stuff from usa! adam crammond's 1986 ep is just as diverse and thrilling as the outputs on his own rapidly growing netlabel proc-rec. the work features underground techno smashers, laidback downtempo electronica as well as a radio noise track, and much more - find out for yourself, you won't regret it!
05. Jul 08 Jemset_-_1.2.3-(20k272)-2008. french artists are rather a rarity on our netlabel, but when they actually do show up, they teach everybody how to rock lobit frequencies. jemset (dobox, random access recordings, mixotic, sonic walker) jacks you off with this high class detroit techno ep. WOW!
22. Jun 08 Overthruster_-_Ox_Striking_Metal-(20k271)-2008. thrill'n'bass maniac overthruster is back for serious action. his peculiar style of genius dance music hits the mark once again! get your brains twisted - NOW!
21. Mar 08 c4_-_after_hours-(20kmix002)-2008. almost 4 years after 20kmix001 we bring you the second mix-set. this time it's c4 (head of the fabulous proc-records), playing some of his favorite copyrighted tracks for us - download and sue us, please! noise will be noise!
14. Mar 08 the_hardliner_-_wasted_love_--_studies_in_melody_harmony_ texture_and_a ffect-(20k270)-2008. the hardliner is back from his gabber expedition, dropping the most beautiful compositions for at least some hundred years. it's a full album with twelve tracks, of which most are encoded at even less than 20kbps. priceless, timeless.
29. Feb 08 McFiredrill_-_hyperbrains-(20k269)-2008. the actual date only appears once every four years, reason enough to celebrate it with a speaker-slamming debut album by usa (olympia, washington) based all-rounder McFiredrill (head of superbutton netlabel). nine action-packed chip tune tracks with breakcore and gabber influences. time to shake your ass!
29. Feb 08 new traffic record! in january 08 we had a new lobit traffic record of more than 140 gb.
25. Feb 08 Razxca_-_Mejorla_Sound_Poetry-(20k268)-2008. we're happy to broaden our spectrum of genres with russian vocal artist Razxca (head of the netlabel also named Razxca). 'Mejorla Sound Poetry' can be characterized like no electronics, just live shot voice attack, based at classic sound poetry theory with folk influence. this is our shortest release ever!
12. Feb 08 Ne-q-baan'_-_Medali_EP-(20k267)-2008. Ne-q-baan's (side project by soundtester & Ru_Galochkin) debut ep is a dedication to russian shitpop star Ivan Panchenko. it features some remakes of his song 'medals', which is all about army and girls waitin' for their dudes' comeback. folks, this is some really glorious shit, for real.

30. Jan 08


MC_Ayrton_Senna_-_How_i_drive_with_40kbps!-(20k266)-2008. speed merchant vocalist MC Ayrton Senna is challenging his first rhyme race. postmodern gimcrack lyrics giving you the shit, in both english and swiss german. 100% success is guaranteed due front-seat passenger dj jimmy slaughter and his super-funky disko-beats.

01. Jan 08 the_hardliner_-_look_how_i_transgress-(20k265)-2008. we've finally reached the end of our x-mas series, after more than 30 releases we bring you 'the hardliner' with his latest insane bitcore ep 'look how i transgress'. hard crushing chip gabber like we love it! put up the volume - screw your neighbours.
01. Jan 08 thanx to all artists who contributed to the x-mas series!!!!! we're almost finished - there's only one to come. peace!
01. Jan 08 dead_-_unicorn_power-(20k264)-2008. us-american ambient project 'dead' is back with a one piece release. very dark sound but bright cover! thumbs up!
01. Jan 08 kNINEd_-_raw_crude-(20k263)-2008. funky fresh start in twenty oh eight with san francisco based chip freak KAY NINE DEE (head of mp3death and hexawe)! 'raw crude' is a compilation of some super cool bit pop shit he made for severel compos. now it's listening time!
31. Dec 07 goto80_-_little_tittle-(20k262)-2007. the last release of 2007 is a special delicacy, leet blipp blopp and bit pop by vgm super star goto80 (aka Anders Carlsson from gothenburg, sweden) and one bonus track by his alter ego extraboy. neat coverart by alma alloro. THE PARTY CAN BEGIN! cheers, and have a good 2008!!!
31. Dec 07 agentff6600_-_sndtrx-(20k261)-2007. we now enter the the dark side of downtempo, with a bombastic comeback-release by swiss master of fat slo-hop beatz, agentff6600. the two tracks on this ep were originally composed for some animation-movies, 'the battle within' for 'conquest' by lukas huber, 'bejing swing' for 'haaf and me: dirty swing' by oliver aemisegger.
31. Dec 07 duality_-_stylophone-(20k260)-2007. duality, a german joint project by evade and tofustaggerbush to create dilly alternative electronic dance music, debutes on 20kbps to primp and pimp our new year's eve. guys, this is high-class stuff!
31. Dec 07 Synthetic_-_Winter_EP-(20k259)-2007. it's called an ep, but it's rather a full album, with more than one hour of georgeous sound. for the 'winter ep' synthetic composed some perfect winter music songs, classified under illbient, downtempo and ambient-elektro.
31. Dec 07 mystified_-_residue-(20k258)-2007. ambient lord 'mystified' honors us with 'residue', an ep consisting of three cold and weird industrial noise soundscapes. amazing but true, in 2007, mystified had over 25 releases, for more information visit his website.
31. Dec 07 c4_-_thriller-(20k257)-2007. grand, pretty ambient techno/house ep by american music talent c4 aka adam crammond (head of wonderful netlabel proc-rec). there's not much to say, just download, listen, enjoy.
31. Dec 07

tronic_koi_-_mass-fx_on-off-(20k256)-2007. our first new year's eve release is one that should have been out by x-mas, but hey, nobody's perfect. tronic _koi (proc-rec) gives us pleasure with this sweet two track ep, featuring a glorious 8bit remix by kristellar (dramacore).

31. Dec 07 happy new year's eve!!!! we will have some more releases today!
30. Dec 07 Dee,_PX_&_Sound_Mile_-_Semploris_Voume_Two-(20k255)-2007. this is the sequel to semploris one, again by the deep-x stuff, this time with mr. dee, dj px (ouim) and sound mile. the tracks are somewhere between minimal techno and tec-house - we'll guarantee you dance!
30. Dec 07 MFR_-_Griboheads_EP-(20k254)-2007. time to step up a gear - MFR (aka distorted robocops) ready to rock us again! straight acid- and pumping tribal techno club burners. formidable!
30. Dec 07 deemage_-_dirty_futurism-(20k253)-2007. at the end of the year here comes the soundtrack to your future! deemage's neo-classic ambient electronica tracks shape the vision of a dark and cold but beautiful world.
29. Dec 07 niecman_-_niecman_rebbuhbs-(20k252)-2007. 'niecman rebbuhs' is the third single track release in a row, a dj-set of niecman's (germany) own tracks, which are made with tracker software. sweet electronic, it's nice man.
29. Dec 07 BIG_SUGAR_VICTORIOUS_-_465_AND_ONE-HALF-(20k251)-2007. BIG SUGAR VICTORIOUS cranks out the 20kbps once again! He used a delay pedal and a radio scanner tuned to the 931 mhz range. the radio scanner gave off a hellacious digital noise. the resultant recording was slowed down to half speed. awesome!
29. Dec 07 applecore_-_mosquitos_vs_acid_wind_in_noize_battle-(20k250)-2007. applecore (russia) is a abstract noize virtuoso who recently released on ruszud. his second release is a 30 minutes long ambient noize epos. tune in!
28. Dec 07 MFR_-_MON@CAR_EP-(20k249)-2007. MFR (aka distorted robocops), involved in the electronic dance music scene since 1997, when he was only 12, presents his second release. this time directed straight to the dancefloor, with four wicked NRG and techno tracks. thumbs up!
28. Dec 07 yesterday we had over 65 gb of lobit traffic - thank you!
28. Dec 07 GERT_3000_-_Wasn_Los_Im_Ohr-(20k248)-2007. GERT 3000 (mp3death, ouim, reamp3, deep-x, proc-rec, abulia, kellerloch, dramacore) debutes on 20kbps with a noisy experimental techno ep.
28. Dec 07 Electronic_M_-_AMFM_stereo_auto_reverse_ep-(20k247)-2007. radio-noise!
28. Dec 07 analogues_legacy_-_greatest_shit-(20k246)-2007. after half decade analogues legacy are back with a new ep. experimental techno and electronica.
28. Dec 07 Audio_Peter_-_Peterism-(20k245)-2007. after 4 and a half years, audio peter is back with his second lobit ep. minimal techno!
27. Dec 07 Super_Multifaros_-_Television-(20k244)-2007. you ain't heard nothing yet! bit pop teenage guru super multifaros (illphabetik, signorafranca, megatwerp, alces2 and candymind) was here and dropped dropped us four sonic bombs. these chip tunes will make you dance like crazy - get ready to take off!
27. Dec 07 carfil_-_bingo-(20k243)-2007. carfil was involved in the swiss techno scene back in the ninetees but later drifted into cyberspace to discover and participate in the bit pop and chip tune scene. like no other he puts the funk in gameboy, yielding in hypnotic music which is without rivalry. microhouse meets elektro meets ambient meets vgm. so far he has released on mp3death, n.a.h.c., gameboymall, gainlad, proc-rec and abulia.
27. Dec 07

Sascha_Müller_-_Radioaktivität-(20k242)-2007. move your feet to the rythm of the beat! sonic worcaholic (more than 25 releases only this year!) sascha müller (head of pharmacom rec. and super six) provides us with a fine x-mas present. 'Radioaktivität' consists of three quality minimal techno tracks. boom, boom, boom!

27. Dec 07 overthruster_-_NOW-(20k241)-2007. in 2007, overthruster (head of the lobit label NORTHAMERICANHARDCORE) has released cool stuff on labels like sociopath recordings, findit-fuckit-recordit, proc-rec, abulia concepts, dramacore and sickmode. fortunetaly, he is NOW back here with a glorious experimental breakbeat, noise and scratch ep.
27. Dec 07

lee_rosevere_-_devils_tower-(20k240)-2007. this release is by new york award (in sound design) winner lee rosevere (canada). he released on famous labels like comfort stand, wm recordings, enough records and proc-records, as well as on his own label happy puppy. his very special music is a felicitous blend of ambient and experimental. the pictographic sounds will take you on a nice mindtrip, promised.

27. Dec 07 today is 20kbps birthday!!!!! we're around now since 5 years - therefore we will present you 5 superb releases today!
26. Dec 07

2007. the last of todays releases is a recording from a live-act by noise, lo-fi and plunderphonic sound artist big sugar victorious (seffner, florida, usa). he played at the ybor cigar theater on 3 august 2007. very interesting noise, great stuff, just what we are used by BSV.

26. Dec 07 fsplekx_-_elements_of_lost_twenty_fifth-(20k238)-2007. 'elements of lost twenty fifth' is the fourth russian release in a row - thank you guys for the big support. fsplekx from moscow debutes with a spacy ambient work, taking us to a peregrine world of cold, mysterious synth's.
26. Dec 07 MFR_-_Megaegor_Ultimate_Control_EP-(20k237)-2007. MFR from novosibirsk, russia, is a side project by hard house, nrg and techno producer/dj Dan Roubtsov (Twisted Traxx, Alien Technology). we are very happy to present you his first lobit release, a top-notch ep that touches various genres: industrial-rave, ethnic ambient and acid trance. enjoy!
26. Dec 07 101MOD_-_CIRCLE_CIRCUITS-(20k236)-2007. 20kbps ready to rock you again! what we have here is the debut album by 101MOD (omsk, russia). eleven phunkee bastard bit pop tracks, combining sweet chip sounds with groovy breakbeats to obtain the sonic mega blast which you are now able to download.
26. Dec 07

20kbps does now have more than 8000 listeners on tune in to the lobit station!


25. Dec 07

ASD,_Dee_&_O._Lense_-_Semploris_Voume_One-(20k235)-2007. it ain't over til it's over! a five track compilation by three talented producers from russia. mr. dee (head of Deep-X Recordings), a-s-d (reamp3 underground, OUIM Net.Label, Rus Zud and Floppy Swop) and O. Lense (.NBK Records and many more) bring you fresh minimal techno combined with experimental stuff and influenced by detroit techno. excellent!
25. Dec 07

wipkinge_dauntaun_rokkas_-_weihnachtsfressen_mit_wipkinge_dauntaun_ro kkas-(20k234)-2007. here we go again! wipkinge dauntaun rokkas are a geographical music collective from a district of zurich, led by tracker musician deemage. they deliver us a conceptual elektro rock ep, ment to accompany you during your christmas meal - they musically interpreted the the lunge at the buffet, the toppling of the wine bottle and the lurching home. but let us warn you: the screaming guitars have some dangers of addiction!

25. Dec 07 we wish everybody a merry x-mas!
25. Dec 07 Origami_Repetika_-_The_Ghost_of_Christmas_Haste-(20k233)-2007. merry x-mas to everybody! this release let's you partake in a higher mood of christmas. origami repetika bestows you a jazzy 3 track ep, styles ranging from funky breakbeats to warm soulhouse - a must have!
25. Dec 07 you are now able to donate $$$ via payal, just click on the link above.
24. Dec 07 ceptual_-_erutan_circa_scenes_ep-(20k232)-2007. ceptual (usa), with real name desmond hollins, has contributed to a lot of labels including miasmah,, test tube, insides music, red-netlabel and dust shop records. he now debutes in the lobit scene with a wonderful jazz influenced ambient ep. crackling vinyl noises, lonely strings and old guitars - perfect winter songs!
24. Dec 07 during x-mas days (24.-1.) we will put out many incredible releases!
24. Dec 07 INDU_MEZU_-_When_motherboard_burns_out-(20k231)-2007. russia's avantgarde is back on 20kbps with INDU MEZU (coldgraey)! with 'when motherboard burns out' we start our x-mas series with lots of goodies for you. the whole ep he made with soundforge at his workstation, as his motherboard at home burned out and went to service for a week. the result is well worth listening!
07. Dec 07

JKP_-_bleep-bleep-booom-booom-(20k230)-2007. french artist JKP is back on track with a new mind-guzzling chip release. in the almost 2 years that have been passed since his lobit debut, he appeared on labels like Mekkanikal Industries, Audioactivity, Cannibal Caniche and Abyssa. 4 short but intense harsh video game noise and bit pop power electronic tracks waiting for you!

23. Nov 07

tronic_koi_-_hot_kog-(20k229)-2007. tronic_koi (which is short for 'heaven or the kingdom of god') from nagold, germany debutes on 20kbps with a poignant downtempo ep fitting consummately to current november days. seven drop-dead gorgeous mini-tracks, somewhere between ambient and electro, are waiting for you. tronic_koi is also known as kristellar.

23. Nov 07

20kbps artist jimmy slaughter is djing in the next issue of synapse radio-show, together with carfil and gert 3000.

12. Nov 07 VA_-_LowBitRemixes-(20k228)-2007. here comes a 12-piece collection of remixes compiled by synthetic. they were originally made for realwordremixed and deliver insight into the remixing skills of artists like loveshadow, L-D, Havemercy and last but not least synthetic himself. this is wonderful stuff!
12. Nov 07 wow! by now, all 20kbps releases have been catalogued on discogs. thx very much to all contributors for their effort, especially to vargind, who has added over 100 of our eps and albums.
02. Nov 07 hertzca_-_true_this_is_totally_untrue-(20k227)-2007. time for true values! germans twinkling star in elektro-sky, Hertz-CA. (head of abulia concepts) is back with a more than an hour live-mix of her own terrific swinged up stuff, rife with bleep noises, squealing sounds and eclectic plop rhythms. make up your minds!
02. Nov 07 visit 20kbps on myspace and become our friend!
02. Nov 07 sad news: our oldest artist, ernst halft, will no longer produce any music due to serious health causes. get well soon, ernst!
25. Okt 07 c4_-_nuclear_love_powerhouse-(20k226)-2007. highly caffienated electronic music artist c4 (proc-records) drives us crazy with his second release, nuclear love powerhouse! it features two fabulous breakbeat-techno and a very nice ambient track. you're on the planet!
08. Okt 07 origami_repetika_-_your_honor-(20k225)-2007. two and a half year have gone by since the last origami repetika (origami republica) output on 20kbps but the waiting was worthwhile. 'your honor' consists of three electronic space rock easy listening tracks, truly beautiful. he also recently released on proc-records.
27. Sep 07 mystified_-_elemental_dub-(20k224)-2007. after two and a half year, one of the most prolific industrial-ambient composers, mystified, returns to 20kbps rec. with another magnificent release. 'elemental dub' delivers what it promises - elemental dub, containing the darkest drones, the most alien soundscapes and the most spacy beats you've ever heard. bon voyage!
13. Sep 07 c4_-_sprite_ep-(20k223)-2007. adam crammond, a hardworking man from toledo, ohio, has already had some notable outputs on various netlabels, including test tube, happy puppy and kellerloch. about a month ago he started his own netlabel, proc-records, which has already 10 recommendable outputs by now. nonetheless he has found time to make this convincing funky-fresh techno release for us. we are very happy to offer you this 4 track ep.
13. Sep 07 Synthetic, one of our newer artists has made a wonderful mix-set, featuring his favorized 20kbps tracks. check out this megamix on his blog.
02.Sep 07 CopyrightKiller_-_Mental_Problems_(Dreinull)-(20k222)-2007. after a year and a half, CopyrightKiller from germany once again strikes back with these neat little tunes that will catch your ear and stay in your brain until it starts bleeding. what are you waiting for? get hold of something unique and download this freaking funkee shit and get your mind twisted!
important notice: you can contribute to climate protection with downloading mere lobit files. thank you!
23. Aug 07 Mr.Dee_-_11 Shots-(20k221)-2007. smart techno producer Mr.Dee from from ecaterinburg (russia) had already several outputs this year (on labels like OLNlabel, OUIM, Homework and Reamp3 Underground). this is his debut album, its the successor to the 3 shots ep which was released on floppy swop. crunchy minimal techno, with a dash experimentalism and a pinch of goa. formidable!
13. Aug 07 Baron_Knoxburry_-_Tig_ole_Bitties-(20k220)-2007. Baron Knoxburry, dimensional time traveler located in michigan, usa, bears the blame for this mega blast experimental supercore-chiptune release. with releases on labels like mode of proof, reject records and battle of the bits, he has made himself already a name in the underground music scene, here now comes this titanic album - with more than 80 tracks, it runs over an hour. but only 10mb, so download NOW!!
03. Aug 07 XORQZ_-_ELECTROSHIT-(20k219)-2007. download the second xorqz (mp3death) release on 20kbps and add some nice underground electroshit to your summer day, it'll match perfectly. enjoy!
18. Jul 07

Vera.tech_-_Urban_Decay-(20k218)-2007. is the solo-project by travis from the electronic combo act idleflight, who have already released two ep's on 20kbps. here now comes this breakbeat dub release, only one track, but therefore a very nice one.

01. Jul 07

Synthetic_-_Colorsmoke_EP-(20k217)-2007. Synthetic from denver, colorado, was formed in the late 90ies by Steve Engler, a passionate and experienced musician, producing electronic music since the early 80ies. for more information, check out his website. the release includes a wide range of styles and genres, from summer breeze house to catchy synthpop and dark industrial ambient. these audio pearls make even a zombie dance! this is by the way the first wma-lobit release ever. don't miss it!!

18. Jun 07 sonic warrior a-s-d (reamp3) from russia handed us this tripartite ep, TECH - NO - LOGIC !!! got it? get it! always crunchy and driving, in the same time moody and spacey, a-s-d makes you wanna build a time machine to go back to the nineties. melodic but never cheesy, trancey but never trance. this is what TECH.NO is meant to be. we love it - so will you.
09. Jun 07 mammoth's_nest_-_evil_mouse-(20k215)-2007. we bring you ukrainian based avantgarde band mammoth's nest debut release. 'evil mouse' is an absorbing ep somewhere between harsh bestial noise, industrial ambiant and experimental krautrock. have fun!
01. Jun 07 Super_Multifaros_-_YOU_AM_WIN-(20k214)-2007. YOU AM WIN!!! I ARE LOOSE!!! we are once again proud of ourselves - proud to present you the youngest artist ever to release on 20kbps. Super Multifaros (candymind, alces2), only 15 years old, brings you an insane chip and blip blop album, clearly one of the hottest swedish outputs this year. his primary tools for making music are Reason 3.0 and sometimes Little Sound DJ, coupled with a good MIDI keyboard and his passion for VGM. enjoy!
27. May 07 Death_On Glamour_-_Sad_Of_Dying_Crazy-(20k213)-2007. the third lobit release by ukrainian progressive electronic band 'death on glamour' is a collection of tracks excerpted from the sametitled album which has been released in the beginning of 2007 on the nice bulgarian netlabel ouim. file under: creative electronic underground.
22. May 07 gapeArson_-_starr_catcherr-(20k212)-2007. original handheld tracking with lsdj for game boy and lgpt for gp2x. harsh idm and ibm (intelligent bit music) from san francisco. gapeArson is chip tune avant-garde wunderkind k9d, check out his own lowbit netlabel mp3death.
13. May 07 holden_-_re_and_ex-(20k211)-2007. anton cherkasov, russia's electronic style juggling champion #1 is back on our small little lobit netlabel with some canny experimental electronica and idm stuff, full of copyright infringements. please sue us! or check out holden's own minimal and ambient netlabel, it's called greenratrecords, and on any account worth listening to.
04. May 07 overthruster_-_chocoaid-(20k210)-2007. hell yeah, it's overthruster again, this time, he has some nice little sweet candy for you. everybody is going to feel better -much sooner- after receiving this get well experimental noise release. for lifes boo boos.
27. Apr 07 old_oldman_-_the_tender_ass_ep-(20k209)-2007. for all the naggers convinced that lobit is just noize, this high-quality ep may work as an eye-opener. emotional, unsettling trip hop and downbeat compositions in a manner you haven't heard for at least some years. it'll give you the creeps. once more, 20kbps discovered a talented artist just for you.
20. Apr 07 vivcaro_-_plautz3-(20k208)-2007. a new star is born in the idm-cosmos. this respectable debut album by german female producer vivcaro combines the various styles of glitch, ambient, techno and musique nouvelle. get it and convince yourself!!!!
13. Apr 07 hertzcanary_-_remedy_ep-(20k207)-2007. friday the thirteenth is a good day for fans of extreme experimental techno. five super distorted power tracks by german tracker musician and lobit netlabel head of abulia concept - hertzcanary. eccentric dodgy techphunk mindbuster with a twist of lemon.
07. Apr 07 overthruster_-_20kbps-(20k206)-2007. japan-based audio workaholic overthruster is back with this new exciting ep. he has once more left the zone of idm and entered genius dance music with a blend of underground hip hop, progressive gangstacore, big beat and pop-music. all tracks were composed in modplug. if you find some copyright infringement, you can keep it.
30. Mar 07 boytchenko_paradise_-_unkles-(20k205)-2007. boytchenko paradise is a pure noise project by ukraine based sound producer old oldman. short but intensive - this deput three track ep is a terroristic offense to your ears but we won't take charge for any harm done to you or your neighbours. there will be more stuff out by this terrific producer soon, so don't stay away for too long.
28. Jan 07 evade_-_the_low_times_of_hifi-(20k204)-2007. our first release in 2007 is a three-track slamming insanity by german (meppen) based musician eVade (Pharmacom Records, Supersix Rec.). acid techno out of the twilight zone conquers blasting breakbeats from the underground. apart from electronic music, eVade has a rather long bassplaying history as part of bands like GRASWERK, Babies Blood Rising and TRANSMITTER.
23. Aug 06 grodznicz_-_zoppott-(20k203)-2006. grodznicz from poland is the electro-clash newcomer of the year. grinding noises ebbeded in strict enviroments of marching beats and noisy-dust. dariuz husczknisni (hutschknisni) is the producing brain behind this 'very low we go' production. together with tore opallarh he is touring through north america these days.
18. Aug 06 the_hardliner_-_something_like_bitter-bitter_symphony-(20k202)-2006. summer recess is over and as we survived the heat, we continue to dive-bomb you with our releases. we restart with a freaky technoid chiptune album by the one and only king of rock'n'roll - hardliner. pure and raw audiosex at its best!
22. May 06 abortionist_-_twelve-(20k201)-2006. we were a lil bit slow here at 20kbps headquarter, but believe me - abortionist is faster than most. quality experimental gabber. nothing for mofos!
08. May 06 va_-_bitrate-how_low_can_you_go-(20k200)-2006. we've finally made it, 20k200 is out. and it's huge, more than 3h playback time, with more than 40 tracks by different artists from all over the world. bitrate - how low can you go?
08. May 06 we now do have a monthly newsletter. everything you never wanted to know. subscribe!
01. Mar 06 deviltech_-_TerrTur-(20k199)-2006. what we got here is the debut release by ukrainian musician deviltech. his work is ranging from idm and digital hardcore to noise. always harsh and cold but in the same time gorgeous like the countryside of his homeland.
15. Feb 06 IdleFlight_-_Songs_For_Gligario-(20k198)-2006. idleflights (austin, texas) second release is a nice small 2-track-ep. scape, ambient, downtempo stuff meant to make you feel as if you fell asleep and woke up in antarctica. a very icy feel.
06. Feb 06 CopyrightKiller_-_Junkyard_Chunks_(Zweinull)-(20k197)-2006. CopyrightKillers second stroke, inspired by the sound of late eighties games, cracktros and demos, he created a full album with 14 short, melodious tracks. enjoy!
06. Feb 06 20kbps rec. is part of the burnstation (a mobile copying station) catalogue.
26. Jan 06 the_hertzcanary_-_synthetisch_analoge_droge-(20k196)-2006. hertzcanary, the guy behind an other fantastic lobit netlabel - abulia concepts, has some hot shit for you. glitsch and platsch (and pflonck), originally made in 2001 with fasttracker and his filterbox. keep the spirit alive!
12. Jan 06 xedh_-_la_indiferencia_reducida-(20k195)-2006. with miguel a. garcia (from basque country) and his project 'xedh' (verato project) we have a new 20kbps artist. his album is full of hypnotic, psychadelic nightmare soundscapes, he actually defines his style as electro industrial punk noise. it's a mix of weird, arithmetical lo-fi hardcore beats, distorted analog noises and voices from the depths of insanity.
04. Jan 06 lost_kluster_-_blogging_ep-(20k194)-2006. happy new year, lowbit-fellows! we start 2006 with a cool electronica and techno release by russian underground electrovist lost kluster (head of reamp3). yes, it's true, after more than a half year, he's finally back!
28. Dec 05 overthruster_-_breackore-(20k193)-2005. 20kbps rec. is now around for exactly 3 years and one day, we celebrate this with a new crackerjack release by one of our main artists, overthruster (head of northamerican hardcore). intelligent, experimental and mindfucking 'breackore' for the whole family.
19. Dec 05 Vivaldi-the_four_seasons-hacked_by_jkp-(20k192)-2005. one month after 'switched on game boy' we have another great recreation of music by a famous baroque music composer. 8-bit vivaldi!!!! fascinating stuff. jpk is french musician interested in vivaldi & 8 bit.
05. Dec 05 Josh_Vegas_-_The_Preview_EP-(20k191)-2005. we continue with straight bang bang music, this time in the field of techno. driving rhythms, pounding beats, cool synths - this ep will knock your socks off. time to dance, motherfuckers!
05. Dec 05 somebody wrote a nice article about lobit on wikipedia.
15. Nov 05 holden_-_sampler.1_hello-(20k190)-2005. in the beginning there was jack! this ep is a time machine, delivering you the sort of house music of the late eighties. so you surely won't be able to stop shaking your booty to it. let there be house!
04. Nov 05 deemage_-_nothing_happens,_everything_changes-(20k189)-2005. in november, the month of cool, clear days, we start with a release by deemage, that fits perfectly to the actual season. chilly and beautiful ambient soundscapes, exclusively made with his self programmed vsti synthesizer parasynth, which is yet under development, but already usable and free for download.
28. Oct 05 HBK_-_i_crave_alex_ep-(20k188)-2005. what we have here is the first official release by HBK (short for Hacked By Krishna), an american act in the fields of ambient electronica, idm and experimental. 6 intense and interisting tracks. but don't forget: this is not what HBK is all about.
19. Oct 05 soundtester_-_old_directory-(20k187)-2005. soundtester's (russia) second release on 20kbps rec. - with three, raw but nice idm-electronica tracks, from his 'old directory' to your harddisk.
08. Oct 05 Pharmacom_-_Switched_On_Game_Boy-(20k186)-2005. 'switched on game boy' is an allusion to wendy carlos highly acclaimed 'switched on bach', but instead of the moog synthesizer, Pharmacom uses the nintendo game boy for his recreation of j. s. bach. don't miss this fantastic and unique piece of audio-art. Pharmacom (a lofi 8-bit project by german producer and dj sascha müller) already released on labels like gnashed, here's my card and retinascan, as well as on his own pharmacom records.
27. Sep 05 Celtic_Rhythm_-_Min.Cutz-(20k185)-2005. the debut album of 'celtic rhythm' leads you to the robotized, dubby and intransigent atmosphere of techno music. precise, vigorous and pounding - this one is a matchless and professional sounding masterpiece. 'celtic rhythm' (uhr music) is igor o. vlasov, an eclectic and busy producer from moscow, russia. he already released on labels like dobox rec., handheld, knobs and mixomat-recordings.
21. Sep 05 Complex_Routine_-_Bossa_Tronic-(20k184)-2005. without a doubt, our first asian artist is one of the most innovative forces of modern experimental electronic music. with this 2 track ep, thailand, bangkok-based musician 'complex routine' (aka sveto the fool) creates a new hybrid version of bossa sound, convincing in every aspect. he has put out very beautiful music on other labels as well, eg boltfish recordings, nixrec, prison soup records (experimental electro netlabel) and subliminaltapeclub.
09.Sep 05 CopyrightKiller_-_Einsnull-(20k183)-2005. kinky breakbeats, weird electronica, deep rave stuff and melancholic downbeat, you've got it all on this 6-track ep. CopyrightKiller from hesse (germany) is producing since 1999 and this is his first output - and hopefully not the last.
07. Sep 05 we do now offer rss-feed!!
07. Sep 05 No_Artist_-_No_Album-(20k182)-2005. yet another conceptual work for a conceptual netlabel. new experimental stuff from russia with fucked-up acid synths in five 1 minute-long tracks.
24. Aug 05 holden_-_ch-(20k181)-2005. ch stands for chemistry, and this is holden's new piece of work, this time a little bit harder than we used to know him. 2 straight banging techno tracks. fucking chemistry, fucking good tracks.
24. Aug 05 there is a new netaudio mix-set available for free download on zerinnerung (electronic dj mix netlabel), featuring a track released on 20kbps rec. - acidrain - nachtfahrt. mixed by martin donath (head of stadtgruen, ambient/techno netlabel)
15. Aug 05 deepravers_-_cynerz_clubb-(20k180)-2005. super-fucked broken electronica beats, sick acid lines, x-treme swinging jerky rhythms and the required amount of noise - that's the first glorious release by deepravers (CHN, ross, nostromo, doner c and kiddy na did?addy of mp3death).
07. Aug 05 overthruster_-_live-(20k179)-2005. a live performance by low bit freak overthruster (head of northamerican hardcore), recorded at minneapolis based location dinkytowner. 16 minutes mean and gritty hardcore! by the way, another great live-set can be downloaded from his website.
30. Jul 05 styler_-_techno_und_sex-(20k178)-2005. downloading this release you got two things in one, and the best is, it's even free. styler (aka the guy who runs the lobit netlabel stars in rehab) has two tracks for you, one entitled 'sex', the other 'techno'. leet!
27. Jul 05 dj_lovechoad_-_true-(20k177)-2005. no summerbreak for us, we keep going - with dj lovechoad (northamerican hardcore), he plays downpitched hip hop & rock tracks.
27. Jul 05 20kbps rec. tracks will be played around midnight for one to two hours, on the swiss radio-station lora / kanal 7. brought to you by topfree40, a wicked new netlabel catalogue (with an incredible download and pre-listening interface). listen!
24. Jul 05 IdleFlight_-_Towering_Above_EP-(20k176)-2005. funky-fresh quick three track ep by idleflight, a new artist from austin, texas. presumably, the first released ep made with mtv music generator. cazy!
17. Jul 05 agentff6600_-_dispatching-(20k175)-2005. the artist who always wears orange clothing, agentff6600, returns on 20kbps rec. after one and a half year with this sonic mindblast. five instant evergreens, ranging from trip hop to downbeat, one of them is a remix of his earlier released and highly acclaimed song 'brave new world'. download fast!
12. Jul 05 ceckj_-_lone_night_thracks_vol.2-(20k174)-2005. ukrainian underground tip ceckj (quasi pop) debutes on 20kbps rec. with a short but tremendous 6-track-ep. industrial-noise, that feels like the most beautiful ambient. some of the most darkest tracks ever written, best heard at night.
06. Jul 05 holden_-_unwritten_book-(20k173)-2005. it's a short two-tracker, we offer you this time. holden gives us another demonstration of his characteristic and matchless ambient stuff. not to be missed!
29. Jun 05 jesus_-_ganz_verreckte_covers-(20k172)-2005. hell yeah, jesus (aka world champion bitrocker 'hardliner') covers well-known tracks like sex pistol's 'anarchy in the uk' or 'god save the queen' in his unique and bizarre bit pop / punk style. out comes 'anarchy in my room' and 'god save my mum'. highly explosive and destructive, this is the craziest shit you've ever heard. one track hasn't even been finished, because it chewed him up. the ep has been created in 4 hours and with 5 samples.
21. Jun 05 greg_g_-_tribute_to_dylan_carlson-(20k171)-2005. drone metal for the low bitrate electronic folks! this is a tribute to the guitarist from earth, dylan carlson (the guy that bought the shotgun that killed kurt cobain) and his "drone metal" guitar stylings, but played with electronics instead. maximum volume yields maximum results!
15. Jun 05 overthruster_-_stoned-(20k170)-2005. stoned overthruster introduces you to locore, sort of the ambient version of breakcore, with a lot of underground hip hop influence. melancholic but pleasant, surprising and convincing, the apocalypse is near. the whole album was produced live with audiomulch, no post performance editing or production. don't miss it!
08. Jun 05 holden_-_8-102-(20k169)-2005. paralyzingly beauitiful downbeat, ambient and house tracks, produced by holden, who's an auspicious insider tip. the whole album is mixed, and the tracks fit so well together, that you just won't be able to turn it off before it's over.
04. Jun 05 bastard_by_rape_-_terrorizified-(20k168)-2005. 2nd release by MPLS based digital grindcore act 'bastard by rape' (northamerican hardcore). distorted guitars, abominable screams, terrorizifying noise - what do you want more? the 20kbps terrorists attack again! run for cover.
01. Jun 05 Nole_Plastique_-_The_Disharmonization_Of_Primitive_Thoughts-(20k167)-2
005. new month, new artist - the composer nole plastique (dars records) from kazan, russia, plays music of hovering computers, broken telephones, radio receivers and broken television sets. at the basic of this sonic concept lies the theory of noise and clicks'n'cuts. he deals with the illusion of contact, the isolation that comes with new media (since we can no longer verify with whom we talk). the purpose is to pull out from the illusory idea of surrounding peace, to make it necessary to glance at the reality in its entire sidedness and ambiguities.
22. May 05 soundtester_-_2_tracks-(20k166)-2005. soundtester is testing sound. entitled '2 tracks' coz it consists of 2 tracks. neat and noisy idm-stuff from moZGow, russia. another conceptual work for a conceptual netlabel. enjoy.
18. May 05 big_sugar_victorious_-_one_car,_one_tape_recorder,_one_delay_pedal-(20k1 65)-2005. big sugar victorious (check out his website for a funny instruction of how to 'release your own cds and tapes') presents 'one car, one tape recorder, one delay pedal', a weird audio creation for all lovers of noise. he is interested in simple found sounds, sonic manipulation, noise culture, recycled sounds, and the release to the public of these manipulations. this is far more interesting than 90% of the stuff that you have to pay $20 for at your local media outlet, so go for it!!!!!!!!!!
13. May 05 dj_physique_magnifigue_-_ep_2-(20k164)-2005. it's friday, the thirteenth, but not a bad day for 20kbps fans. dj physique magnifigue (mc iedh) has made up his new release, 'ep 2', the sequel to 'ep1'. again, you can anticpate downtempo, no-fi microdub spooky and subdued winter sounds with a high portion of phhhhunk. leet!
10. May 05 corean,no_japanese!_-_happy_ep!-(20k163)-2005. 'corean,no japanese!' is a side project by the post-adolescent rock band 'leibnitz and the spinozas'. they use cheap guitars, cheap bass, an ancester of a drum machine, a kazoo (80 cents), and a loan laptop to create their unique sound. they're called to be the first situationistic band that plays drums with plectrum and guitar with sticks!
07. May 05 Origami_Repetika_-_Artifacts-(20k162)-2005. robot influenced origami repetika arises with a summerlike, flaky electro-pop release, which will make you feel good. he works with audio software such as audio mulch and others. download it, if you happen to dig repetitive electronica and you'll feel the summerbreeze. journeys in repetition...
06. May 05 dozer blog started a new feature profiling netlabels. read the 20kbps rec. netlabel profil. very recommendable.
04. May 05 overthruster_-_original_pcm_resynthesis-(20k161)-2005. fuck snobs! death to fucking samplers! pcm resynthesis, now + then! a full album with 12 tracks made with lsdj by overthruster who's a technical wizard on game boy. trends come and go, but he will stay. he recently released on biodata (microbio sublabel) and on (russian elektrotrash netlabel).
01. May 05 deemage_-_a_fucker_a_day_keeps_the_doctor_away-(20k160)-2005. swiss electro artist deemage (founder and head of 'wipkinge dauntown rokkas') has an important wordly wisdom for us: 'a fucker a day keeps the doctor away'. and that's not all - download this ep and you get 3 funkeee minimal techno/electronica tracks for free. it's amazing. btw: he recently released on the norwegian netlabel raumsonde.
28. Apr 05 DMGPlantlife_-_Araucaria-(20k159)-2005. this release shows DMGPlantlife's non-game-boy works, and prooves, that he doesn't need a game boy to produce magnificent, stunning music. you'll find a junction of different styles, inlcuding drum'n'bass, easy listening and industrial electronica. all the songs were made with only an electribe m, except 'late-night session', which is an improvisation with a guitarist. visit his soundclick-account to listen to the game-boy versions of the songs.
25. Apr 05 DEAD_-_prettypicture-(20k158)-2005. here we go for another release, DEAD (usa) offers you three ambient tracks, which seem to contravene with the cover art of this work. the music is morbid, obscure, sable, seamy, blacker than black, while the cover art is idyllic and, as the release name says, a 'prettypicture'. get it, before it gets you.
22. Apr 05 Leibnitz_and_the_Spinozas_-_ingegnegri_ep-(20k157)-2005. our first italian act - 'Leibnitz and the Spinozas' - add a new genre to our netlabel - with their experimental rock music, they'll show us what extemporaneous avant-garde might be. the technical inabilities conquer with the aesthetics of lowbit sound, the result is something you shouldn't miss.
18. Apr 05 mongo_kanoni,_oma_sheriff_&_mean_dartin_-_gargle_along_3_elvis_ballads -(20k156)-2005. mongo kanoni (basso), oma sheriff (alto), mean dartin (bariton) gargle along, as the title already explains, 3 elvis ballads - 'love me tender', 'in the ghetto' and 'falling in love'. a funny, conceptual work by three swiss guys.
14. Apr 05 holden_-_ten-(20k155)-2005. holden is a musician from nizhny novgorod, russia. his new piece of work is an ambient/triphop/minimal 4 tracker. these tracks will convince everybody with a serious interest in good music. stuff, made for your brain, as well as for your soul.
05. Apr 05 authentick9d-(20k154)-2005. k9d (mp3death) is back on track wanking his monomachine. all 6 tracks are really outstanding, it's sort of a collection of sonic poems which fit perfectly to the actual season. it's self titled as 'authentick9d', k9d has been running the title and his name together to circumvent the paradigm established by album-author mind-sets.
29. Mar 05 lost_kluster_-_necron_ep-(20k153)-2005. it's time for some dirty phat-ass slo-motion hiphop mindkillers, and who else can do that better than lost kluster (head of reamp3)? the answer is simple - it's lost kluster supported by mc al, who rhymes the shit out of your brains in 'spirit of opportunity'. take this chance to hear real russian hiphop.
21. Mar 05 ernst_halft_-_beattraxx-(20k152)-2005. our newest immigrant to the lofi-scene is a german guy called ernst halft who is resident of tioman island/ malaysia, where he is doing his recordings. making music for over 250 years (his first live gig was in 1751 at 'stromfluss - performance' in st.cornelius church in duelken, germany), he has relased on labels like maetrixsolution (another famous swiss netlabel) and novatune (the first fair trade label). this ep contains 3 gorgeous tracks, with a special but innovative interpretation of drum'n'bass. a solid and enjoyable piece of work!
16. Mar 05 DMGPlantlife_-_DRASTIC_MEASURES-(20k151)-2005. Dmgplantlife is one of the 3 active gameboy musicians in brussels. here we have 4 excellent bit pop tracks, made with lsdj, sometimes in combination with non-gameboy audio sources, what makes the core of his unique and exciting style. also featured on the ep is a dope ambient electronica bonus track. less is more.
09. Mar 05 Mystified_-_Dub_Shift_LP-(20k150)-2005. here's a full lp of chilly dub. these eleven tracks will extend your consciousness and open your mind, promised. listening to this ambient electronica stuff is like watching cosmos through hubble space telescope. thomas park (formerly AutoCad) of mystified (a leading edge electronica band) has been composing electronica tracks since the late nineties and released on labels like blue water records, gears of sand, infinite sector, latex records, webbed hand records.
04. Mar 05 greg_g_-_jazz_meteorite-(20k149)-2005. the jazz meteorite hits the earth!!! a kraut/jazz/noise/free masterpiece! recorded in summer 2003 by paul and greg g, alternating on effect pedals and yamaha pss-480. they made this album without hearing what they were playing. and they made the cover without looking what they were drawing. it's free jazz for kids, all done in 30 minutes without editing!! pretty cool.
01. Mar 05 INDU_MEZU_-_noisiki-(20k148)-2005. are you ready for the future sound of russia? here we have 3 wonderful microsound/glitch/industrial noise tracks with vocals by chekatilo and ipsus. watch out for INDU MEZU at misfake studio.
25. Feb 05 overthruster_-_magic_of_juju-(20k147)-2005. loud and noisy, this is how we know and love him. overthruster (northamerican hardcore) has a new ep for you, with 2 emotional burners on it. 'juju' is a word from nigerian religion and refers to a spirit which dwells inside a ritual object. it is the indigenous word for what anthropologists call a 'fetish' or 'gris-gris'.
22. Feb 05 Maiden_China_-_Kislota-(20k146)-2005. this album was made only with default fruity loops samples (kick-snare-clap-hat), default tempo '140', and default synth TS-404. the object was to create an acid album with an intro, 11 tracks of 61 seconds long, 2 tracks of 62 seconds long, 13 tracks of 41 seconds long and an outro. ideal for dancing, ass twisting and leg jerking. 'kislota' is the russian term for 'acid'. forget everything and dance!
17. Feb 05 holden_-_adc-(20k145)-2005. don't miss this new release by our 'shootingstar' holden, it would be a shame. he combines several genres such as ambient, micro sound and thrill'n'bass to find his own unique style. it'is so fresh that one can feel spring already.
14. Feb 05 Death_On_Glamour_-_In_Vogue-(20k144)-2005. death on glamour (by jeff joel lennox) is in vogue! this band from ukraine brings you 2 ambient-like, acherontic symphonies. brand new sound from ukraine.
11. Feb 05 aRagStain_-_BottomFeeder-(20k143)-2005. rad tracks for rad people. aRagStain is k9d (mp3death) whose birthday's today, and like last year, he sent us a little gift in form of a slamming ep. recently he released on the spanish netlabel SPYMUSIC ("music de espias") as colon pipe krew. happy birthday, jordan!
03. Feb 05 protheser_-_heim-(20k142)-2005. protheser brings you leet chip-dance music from the finest kind. protheser is another project by hardliner. hardliner will play live on sa, 19. feb 05 at babydoll, aarau, switzerland. visit the homepage of this event!
27. Jan 05 Serjio_Hakinen_-_Jive_EP-(20k141)-2005. this is the second serjio hakinen release by atarix on 20kbs rec. it gives you a little foretaste for his upcomming ~net.label "TRU TYPE SOUNDS". truetype sound, that's a mix of mtvpopstuff with advanced music. killer sound. full of energy, beauty, warmth, coldness, harshness, wickedness and fresh vibes. cover artwork by sy_busy aka ri ra. enjoy this very jazzy and jivy ep.
23. Jan 05 is....dead_-_information_retrieval_is_dead-(20k140)-2005. is....dead is an ambient/zombie movie music artist from pittsburgh. 'retrieval is dead' is a genius ambient release, not only for stoned people. it consists of 2 dark and drastic tracks.
20. Jan 05 xorkz_-_azn_dope_gunz-(special_mp3_edition)-(20k139)-2004. hardcore gabber by xorkz (paul, greg g and yangyi). xorkz are tracker-musicians from bethesda, maryland, usa. they also released on mp3death (another release is coming out soon on troglodyte records). azn dope gunz was created with modplug tracker and smash brother64. it's time to bang your head!
16. Jan 05 aunderwex_-_fucking_noize-(20k138)-2005. a year after his last release, aunderwex is back to motherfucking destroy your sense of hearing. he constructed his own synth with native instruments reaktor und fucked it to death. 'fucking noize', thats's what it is.
13. Jan 05 holden_-_ravilolero-(20k137)-2005. second release by russian artist holden. ravilolero is a polished, smooth ambient house track. very nice, indeed. minimal and enjoyable!
10. Jan 05 overthruster_-_nu_acid-(20k136)-2005. overthruster (who recently also released on TANZPROCESZ) has found his own definition of acid music. on this release you'll find 2 tracks, one entitled 'nu acid', the other 'sick acid', and that's what you get, the name is program. and btw: the cover is 303x303 pixels. no one survives without acid!
10. Jan 05 20kbps rec. is taking part in netaudio 05 - electronic music network, a netaudio conference taking place at kulturhallen dampfzentrale bern. also part of the conference are: phlow, alpinechic, maetrixsolution, poetenpop, poetenpop, optickle, 2063music. afterwards, party with ramax (randomacoustics), dustbowl (mouthwatering) und other netaudio artists. visuals by optickle, zoomoon, visual dr. tom. the event is organised by starfrosch.
10. Jan 05 20kbps rec. got mentioned in an interesting article by adam hyde (r a d i o q u a l i a) called Digital Culture : net.labels - an introduction. brought to by thebigidea.
05. Jan 05 true_type_-_luv_thru_the_wind_.sampler-(20k135)-2005. atarix is on tha wave again!! he was absent for two months and a little more because he moved to another home and bought some new audio hardware equipment. and what he does with it is just astonishing - his new project truetype (writing credits by by atarix, s.haren, j.davis, geeks, r .arai, krush) delivers you the finest jazzy instrumental hip hop. these 5 tracks are going to blast your mind.
02. Jan 05 Origami_Repetika_-_Ender-(20k134)-2005. first, we wish everybody a happy new year!!! we start 2005 with an ep by new jersey based musician origami repetika. three wonderful contempory dance tracks. all you have to do is download them. isn't that niiiice?
26. Dec 04 aton_-_she-(20k133)-2004. x-mas time is over, and we are back to present you the second 20kbps artist from UKRAINE!!!!!. .at/on, who is mainly into ambient, noise and glitch, delivers us this convincing 4 track ep as a kind of delayed x-mas gift. check out his website .at/on - it's becoming another lobit netlabel.
21. Dec 04 holden_-_pridtz-(20k132)-2004. from slow-down ambient electronica to funkyyyyyyyy and squiggly ambient hiphop - russian aritst holden delivers the shit. the perfect soundtrack to retreat on x-mas-time. have fun with this one!
17. Dec 04 overthruster-GDM-(20k131)-2004. overthrusters new work is entitled 'gdm', which is short for 'genius dance music', a rather new style in the world of electronic music. it's like idm (intelligent dance music) - just even more 'intelligent'. with 48 tracks this is the longest 20kbps rec. release ever (until now).
14. Dec 04 dimitryghost_-_vacuum_cleaner_ep-(20k130)-2004. dimitryghost's third release on 20kbps rec. 'vacuum cleaner ep' constists of 2 minimal tracks, one rather technoid, the other rather acidic. russian underground ain't stoppable. you can hear his dj-mixes on the famous webradio deepmix from time to time.
03. Dec 04 va_-_From_Russia_with_Beatz-(20k129)-2004. music from russian digital underground, compiled by lost kluster. the ep features tracks from reamp3 allstars nata, dj zack presents chronofobia, sio, and lost kluster himself. they show off with a multitude of styles, including moscow big beats, lofi beats&breakz, and hard stomping techno. another 20kbps must-have.
30. Nov 04

GOTO80_-_COPYSLAVE-(20k128)-2004. brilliant minimalistic 8bit-stuff and retrofuturistic computergrooves by the brightest shining star in contemporary commodore 64 music, goto80 (gothenburg, sweden). he's composing chip-tunes since the mid-90ies, using c64, amiga, gameboy and sometimes pc. he realased on 8bitpeoples, aural industries, bleep street records, monotonik, No Sides, Relax Beat, subnatura and others. goto80 shows us that limitations on technical equipment can result in creativity.

27. Nov 04 S._Müller_-_BOTattack-(20k127)-2004. our new release comes from s. müller (pharmacom-productions), who is probably one of the most active german artists. he released under different aliases on vinyl-, as well as on netlabels: 2063music, antilounge, asteroid-rec, betu records, camomille music, comfortstand, dance network records, dhyana records, floppyswop, gnashed, ghostwriter-records, kahvi collective, micromusic, more-music, newfuturelofimusic, Nishi Records, offaudio, One Way Records, poise records, reihe3 - recordings, retinascan, rohformat, seldomtype recordings, sperrplan rec., taktalsmittel, Teknotika Records and xplizit hardcore recordings, just to mention a few. he runs his own label called pharmacom records. as a dj he played at the thunderdome (the ultimate european club tour 1994), and at the loveparade (schranz total club tour 02).
24. Nov 04 k9d_-_efficence-(20k126)-2004. this is a collection of tracks that existed forever, tracks that took long to evolve. there is magic in k9d's (mp3death) synthesis, the total control available, then strangenesss you can't handle baffling and surprising and bringing out smiles. everything is fucked up, peace to all.
18. Nov 04 adolf_eizenstat_-_sigi_feigel_gehoert_zuerst_gehaut_und_dann_ausgewiesen -(20k125)-2004. 2 cheesy, sleazy chip tunes and 2 straight dance hits - with politically incorrect titles, but we don't care, good music is good music. convince yourself. and don't ask who's 'adolf eizenstat' - we won't tell you, we will even deny his existence.
15. Nov 04 overthruster_-_gb_live-(20k124)-2004. as the title already says, here are 2 new gameboy tunes, live performed by overthruster. a inconceivable noise-attack will violate your poor ears. with his big musical output, overtruster helped defining the 'mpls style'.
11. Nov 04 Death_On_Glamour_-_Tradition_Rare_Dixieme_Generation-(20k123)-2004. this time we come around with a newcomer band from ukraine - 'death on glamour'. band-leader jj lenox describes their music as 'unusual' and it's strictly for the underground. the 4 tracks provided on this ep are taken from their upcoming album. cover art is by Joanna Chen. let's rock.
08. Nov 04 Origami_Repetika_-_dirty_habit_EP-(20k122)-2004. for all of you that enjoy repetive techno & drone music - we have something for you! the 2nd release by origami repetika (401 records, origami republica). dreampop & action packed repetitive music for you, not them. and check out his account on soundclick.
04. Nov 04 overthruster_-_acid_sucka-(20k121)-2004. overthruster is back!! the man who is behind the netlabel northamerican hardcore brings us his funkyfresh new 4 track ep, with broken beats and acid basslines. we are all acid suckas, aren't we?
01. Nov 04 The_Radio_Hitt_-_The_Radio_Hitt-(20k120)-2004. this release is a sideproject by enapa, head of gnashed (a swedish netlabel founded in january 2004). for this release, he only utilized a broken radio. enapa hits it to create funky noisebeats. the radio also suffers from battery-corrosion. enapa entitles this new kind of sound 'HittMusic'. btw: he also released as krobboskop on mp3death.
29. Oct 04 olga,fritz_und_stahl_-_vitamin-(20k119)-2004. this release ain't sweet!!! it's acid. time to jack! olga& fritz (member of cadmium experimental culture) meets stahl (and his new bought tb303). this vitamin containing release is the result of their last session at olga&fritz homestudio.
26. Oct 04 dmg_plantlife_-_dumbass_Techno_EP-(20k118)-2004. dumbass techno, (or how it is also called: not very intelligent dance music) is dmg plantlife's (who lives in belgium) counterdraft to the idm-stuff that is all around. this ep is meant to be fun and very danceable. composed with lsdj, a must have for every fan of game boy music. and remember: if you grew out of a gameboy, then you too ARE DMG Plantlife...
23. Oct 04 chronofobia_-_lotus_c-(20k117)-2004. the third russian release in a row. and once again: it's great stuff! the hard and dirty sound in the case of 'Gout Hydzay' and the slow melody of 'Lotus C' represent the first release by chronofobia on 20kbps rec. chronofobia is part of the reaktive music crew, and they released on the great russian netlabel reamp3. coverdesign is by joel temper.
20. Oct 04 atarix_-_every_picture_tells_a_lie-(20k116)-2004. another russian release. russia rules! atarix rules! this release features 5 easy laidback superstereophonic mindblasts! atarix will stop making music for some time and he's selling his audio studio. but he will come back. in the meantime, check out his website.
17. Oct 04 indu_mezu_-_chdetoria-(20k115)-2004. 3 dreary experimental industrialnoise soundscapes inspired by horror and sorrow. it's an auralisation of your most appalling nightmares. don't say, we didn't warn you! indu mezu is a composer from russia.
13. Oct 04 deemage_-_flavours_ep-(20k114)-2004. wanna be happy for the rest of your live? yes? our new release will revitalise your vitality. this is the right soundtrack for rainy autumn days. deemage is a producer from zurich, this is already his second release on 20kbps rec. recently he made a live-act together with pimuri (kellerloch) on the radio station kanal k. it'll be 'soon' online on the broadcasts website: synapse.
01. Oct 04 mc_iedh_-_i_love_the_simpsons_ep-(20k113)-2004. this is a dedication to mc iedh's favorised cartoon, the simpsons, he has seen and memorised every episode. this ep is a blast, fucked up drumloops, some wicked synths and noises combined with quotes by springfields townsfolk.
27. Sep 04 overthruster_-_HARDCORE_MPLS_GHETTO_CHRIST-(20k112)-2004. we start the week with a new release by overthruster (northamerican hardcore), 5 lsdj bitpop tracks by the ghetto christ of minneapolis. this release rules!
22. Sep 04 The_Hardliner_-_Brutal_Refusal_Of_Development-(20k111)-2004. the motherfucking god of positive vibrations is back! The Hardliner already released on 20kbps rec. as dorfkrueppel, dorfdueppel and tattvam-asi. this is a 4 track ep, with cover of 'native love' by divine (glenn milstead). highly enoyable dance tracks!
18. Sep 04 Dimitryghost_-_3a_Loops-(20k110)-2004. Dimitryghost's 2nd release on 20kbps rec.! get these fresh nintendo-techno loops! they were all programmed with MML (macro-music-language) for NES. Dimitryghost is also a talented dj, one of his mixsets was played at one of the worlds best webradios, deepmix.
15. Sep 04 ,kay,nien,dee,_-_wastedk9d-(20k109)-2004. another three tracks from the man who rules minneapolis. it's very hard to describe k9d's music. it's just funky fucked up lsdj shit! k9d knows how to make it real. so get this release before we get you. and check out his netlabel mp3death.
12. Sep 04 static_bass_-_static_world-(20k108)-2004. it's time to jack. 7 incredible tracks direct from hell. this is heavy acidic techno which is actually rather cool. static bass is a soulseek arist from holland. get ready for his hypnotic basslines and his happy bleeps. pump up the volume!!! and don't listen too early in the morning.
09. Sep 04 abortionist_-_abortionist_ep-(20k107)-2004. abortionist presents us his new ep. the artist already released on mp3death, northamerican hardcore and some others. on the northamerican hardcore website it says, he lives in a trailer park somewhere in south carolina and he plays in a crust grind band.
he can be reached at 'raperiot at yahoo dot com'. the ep consists of an intro, a voicesample of a dull politician, a rude trashcore track called 'abortionist anthem' and a remix of a gospel track or something like that. wicked shit.
06. Sep 04 dj_physique_magnifigue_-_ep_1-(20k106)-2004. dj physique magnifiue (project by mc iedh) is thinking about the nuclear question while he's guarding the treetops. and he presents us his first 2 track ep. he used 'real' sounds with clicks and scrapes to make micro house music. it sounds like its produced by some molecular scientists. you will fall in love with this futuristic, minimalistic type of sound, if you haven't already.
01. Sep 04 The_Grind_Slam_-_Born_in_slaughter-house-(20k105)-2004. A new longplayer, by a new artist. The Grind Slam comes from sanatorium "ramenskoe" in moscow region, making fucked up ambient and post industrial. the music is very influenced by the place he lives. there are three gabber/speedcore/drumcore bonus tracks on the album by his friend yuro (who runs a famous russion new metal site: myasorubka). all tracks were produced with a demo version of fruity loops - so each song was composed at one sitting. enjoy this original, sick and evil sound.
29. Aug 04 indu_mezu_-_niirity-(20k104)-2004. this release is sort of a selection of unreleased tracks by indu mezu. the tracks are mainly produced with VAZ modular in 2004. sophisticated industrial-noise meets ruminant industrial-ambient. the main-track 'niirity', is an emotiv audiojourney, revealing the beauty of evolution and death.
19. Aug 04 nata_-_monring_theme-(20k103)-2004. the Re Aktive Musik crew is back again on 20kbps rec. this time, the russian artist nata presents us his new single. it's an easy listening track - perfect for getting up in the morning. great stuff!
16. Aug 04 Paranomia_-_Le_requiem_pour_les_refrigerateures_solitaires-(20k102)-2004. the release title (in english 'requiem for lonely refrigerators') says it already. technoid ambient-industrial-noise that is colder than the arctic. Paramomia, (a sideproject by estonian producer talvel) is a word taken from a game called oddworld. it's a vanishing wilderness, plenty of trees, shrubs and dirt walkways are the norm there. don't miss this release.
13. Aug 04 atarix_and_his_sooperskalar_band_-_snra'a_planet-(20k101)-2004. This stuff was recorded live! Full improvisation on all levels : drums, sample mutation process, moog playing. It all was recorded live! What is SOOPERSKALAR BAND?! Its -atarix- and his hidden clone/copy -xiurata- (all dsp, keyboards, guitars, drums, programming, fx, etc.) & boulder (scratch, drums, noise). this is just the begining of their madness trip to outer landscapes of their inner emotions. one time again: deep shit from moscow!!!
10. Aug 04 va_-_20kbps_proudly_presents_pink_party_(20k100)-2004. time to party! 20kbps rec. presents its 100th release 'PINK PARTY'. it's a compilation with 26 tracks from almost all our actual artists. be prepared for the next 100 releases. thanx to all who supported us.
08. Aug 04 summer recess is over now! 20k100 will soon be released. while you're waiting impatiently, download the video clip to jimmy slaughters 'me is the master killer', a breakcore track that was released on Jimmy_Slaughter_-_Northwave_Gangsta_(20k15)-2003. the video-clip was produced by laub in may 03. you need at least divX 5.05 to watch it.
21. Jul 04 va_-_20kbps_in_the_mix_(compiled_and_mixed_by_dimitryghost)-
. 20kbps rec. is close before its 100th release, so it's time for us to look back what had happened in the last one and a half year. this mixset is a little overview of the music that has been released on 20kbps rec. it's mostly techno with some electronica. much thanx to dimitryghost, who compiled and mixed it.
10. Jul 04 serjio_hakinen_-_oy-(20k099)-2004. something between minimalistic electro, grotesque avant-garde and microhouse can be found on this outstanding ep. it features 3 tracks which were composed from 1999 to 2004. it's a stroke of genius! serjio hakinen is an alternative project by atarix.
04. Jul 04 Lost_Kluster_-_File_id.diz-(20k098)-2004. another ep from a Re Aktive Musik guy, this time: Lost Kluster, a russian dj and producer. his release reveals 3 dubby bigbeat/triphop tracks, all with a decent amount of phunk. it's time to shake, these tracks are leeeeeeeeeet! high-quality at low fidelity.
27. Jun 04 overthruster_-_bad_ass_mother_4000-(20k097)-2004. overthruster has been listening to dancehall reggae alot lately, so his new release is like dancehall bitbop, created on gameboy color pokemon gold edition, using lsdj. this new style is supposably going to be groundbreaking. fight against the devil.
24. Jun 04 Artem_Projekt_-_T.R.E.P.-(20k096)-2004. here we have a new track from Artem Projekt, evil but nice drum'n'bass experience, slow and hard randy shit! Artem Projekt is a member of a small russian d.i.y. label named Re Aktive Musik, which consists of 5 musicians. we're going to release more stuff from this very talented collective soon.
20. Jun 04 Talvel_-_Otsos-(20k095)-2004. we are proud to present you yet another new musician on 20kbps rec.: Talvel. he brings you 4 phunkee fresh minimal electronica tracks, from estonia, where he lives, direct to your local soundsystem. just click on the motherfucking link above. and check out talvels account on soundlick.
16. Jun 04 big_sugar_victorious_-_forces_of_darkness-(20k094)-2004. big sugar victorious' (member of the record label opsound) 2nd ep for 20kbps, including two tracks, 'forces of darknes's and 'washii', both in excess of 15 minutes apiece. 'forces of darkness' is an obscure ambient industrial track, 'washii' is a 15 minutes audio manipulation of a two-second loop of his home washing machine. masterpieces!
13. Jun 04 indu_mezu_-_dustplastic_tube_cut_release-(20k093)-2004. indu mezu is a russian industrial(?)-experimental-noise-sampling musician who presents us his first release on 20kbps rec. all tracks are downmixed on fl, scratches made on sound forge, (detailed pitching)... and tons of other soft. this 4 track ep is an enthralling mixture of 'musique nouvelle' and idm. for more of his music check out indu mezus account on realmusic.
13. Jun 04 dmitriy bogdanov made an interview with the owner of 20kbps rec. for, if you are capable of the russian language, then you should have a look.
03. Jun 04 Dorfdueppel_-_Riedmatt-(20k092)-2004. here we go again! dorfdueppel comes off with an ep, that's a neo mix of 80ies synthpop and 90ies eurodance. behind this pseudonym is hardliner, the swiss retroclash star. 20kbps rec. assures that you'll get addicted to this catchy, cheesy release. become happy, at least for 8 minutes!
30. Mai 04 das_all_-_babyllusion_(overmix)-(20k091)-2004. this is an overmix/ megamix of das all's debut album, which will probably never be finished, because the duo behind it isn't really active anymore. the tracks featured in this overmix are (like its predecessor 'digital monitor') produced in blind mode (meaning the duo had not listened to it while composing it).
30. Mai 04 AngstProd Webradiois a dedicated copyleft and netlabel radio, a huge
playlist with the best of the most famous netlabels (20kbps rec,
byteburger, camomille, cavage, dtrashrecords, entity,,
kikapu, soulseek records, subsource, thinner, ... ) online 24h/24. HiFi and LoFi streamPlaylist news. AngstProd is also a good netlabel + forum
23. Mai 04 big_sugar_victorious_-_high_adventures_at_lo_fidelity-(20k090)-2004. big sugar victorious presents its debut EP for 20kbps rec. - high adventures at low fidelity!! big sugar victorious is Santo DiPiazza, lover of noise and all recorded sound. his work is inspired by music from the internet involving field recordings and noise. this adventure consists of three intelligent micro dance tracks, with very political vocals, sampled from guys like george w. bush. check this incredible low rent home recording out.
18. Mai 04 KidDumonceau_-_Future_Legend-(20k089)-2004. 20kbps rec. proudly presents for the first time ever: KidDumonceau! that is k9d (mp3death)and his friend loic (aka araucaria) from belgium. they have been swapping lsdj saves. the cover design is by krista v. (aka k9). there are two tracks on the ep, the first one is sort of a lsdj-version of a upfront-drum'n'bass track. no question, it's a must have-heard. the second track is a spaced up janky bitbop track, very catchy, it goes straight into your ears. enjoy!
15. Mai 04 overthruster_-_clasix_disc2-(20k088)-2004. times of waiting are over. here is part 2 of clasix disc serie, featuring five tidy intelligent (non)-dance songs and one hardcore track by overthruster. very versatile ep, unsettled in its apparentness, it takes you nowhere and everywhere at the same time. overthrustr once agains proves his skills as modern electronica artist.
11. Mai 04 olga,_fritz_(und_pimmelpeter)_-_untitled-(20k087)-2004. olga, fritz und pimmelpeters debut album is out now. it features 12 technoid tracks, all produced at olga and fritz homestudio in gränichen (switzerland). for this album, some synthies, some effect-tools, and a mac with logic were used. cover design by minimalist.
08. Mai 04 atarix_-_socium_trasher_ep-(20k086)-2004. atarix is gonna motherfucking kill you with this sound. his message: don't be comercial & sellout. crispy crushing breakcore feat. hardcore underground 'noise-in-your-face' blackhop!!! distorted from the beginning to the end. this is an atarix unlike we know him, full of anger, prepared to die, prepared to kill, whatever.
05. Mai 04 Origami_Repetika_-_Mini_Oubum-(20k085)-2004. repetive music for space cadets, Origami Repetika is an active cell representing the almost invisible art of Origami Republika. fine produced ambient techno from pitman, new jersey. Origami Repetika is experimenting with soft-synths and sound bytes which are arranged together in the form of a pattern or loop. he's fascinated by the hypnotic effect that repetitious music has.
28. Apr 04 overthruster_-_clasix_disc1-(20k084)-2004. this is part one of overthrusters clasix serie. it's a compilation of his more dance-oriented works. dance motherfucker! all songs are made with a tracker, and sound very rough, brute but with decent amount of phunk. phenomenal stuff. part 2 will be out soon, be patient.
25. Apr 04 dimitryghost_-_test-01-(20k083)-2004. already our second artist from moscow. test-01 is made with fl and it's about audio deconstruction, it starts with a normal dance groove which gets more and more fucked up over time, ending into a fascinating audio-inferno. dimitryghost also writes articles and stuff for
21. Apr 04 overthruster_-_overthruster_plays_the_gamboy-(20k082)-2004. overthruster plays the gameboy like a maniac. his new pink gameboy is on fire! an audio-thunderstorm like you never heard before. colon pipe ownz all! check it out. he's running his own net-label now, northamerican hardcore, specialised in hardcore releases under 250kb, mostly modules, releasing tracks by himself, mpls genius k9d and others.
18. Apr 04 atarix_-_spring_cosl_passe_point_ep-(20k081)-2004. this microstuff dsp record is for deep listening. this ep is like an open door to an oddly, cryptic world, where sanguinary creatures hide behind extrinsical trees, waiting to catch you. audio-art at its best, encoded using Ogg Vorbis _beta 3. atarix is running his own (net-)label since some time, it's called ghetto flick and you should check it out.
15. Apr 04 minimalist_-_drum_talking_live_set-(20k080)-2004. a new uncutted live-set by minimalist. 18 minutes of drifty tribal techno and some moaning femal voices (sampled from pr0n-movies) encounter to provide you an unforgettable audio experience. minimal stuff, of course. minimalist has now launched his internet-project, the site is not finished yet, but have a look.
12. Apr 04 bastard_by_rape_-_painful_destruction-(20k079)-2004. hardcore punk from the usa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bastard by rape is a grindcore band that uses shitty electronic drumming and destructive screaming, with distorted guitars and/or bass guitars. check this alienated ep out & hail satan 2004!!!
08. Apr 04 La_Plume_-_Untitled-(20k078)-2004. here is La Plumes second work for 20kbps rec. he is a great fan of analog synthies and effects and he definitively knows how to use them. the ep is a mixture of idm, ambient & ambient techno. it was produced with access virus, some korg effects, cubase & some other stuff. the artwork is by our gfx genius atarix.
05. Apr 04 kaYnyNdeE_-_her-(20k077)-2004. kaYnyNdeE lately bought some analog machines and did some stuff with it. here is the respectable result! the songs cover different stories, all connected to the subject 'females' or the absent of them, like in 'okfun' which is about masturbation. read the 'what it's about' text file included with this release. each track is based on a loop, with kaYnyNdeE muting and unmuting parts. btw, if you haven't checked out his netlabel mp3death, you should do it by now.
02. Apr 04 mc_iedh_-_hug_my_gas_ep-(20k076)-2004. it's time to introduce you a new musician on our netlabel. on his first release he presents us 3 tracks, idm style with microsound and thrill'n'bass influences. it's a baffling mix of juicy and junky barf beats. he uses ludwig drums, paiste cymbals, promark drum sticks and mallets, remo drum heads, mapex pedals and fig newton cookies to achieve his unique sound. mc iedh's work is also represented at micromusic.
30. Mar 04 atarix_-_sadoru_state-(20k075)-2004. this is atarix' first album on 20kbps rec. it's kind of a mini-album, with 9 short tracks which are all about one minute long, and one 5 minutes long track at the end. it's like a bad trip to your deepest nightmares, nothing for popcorn-gossups lovers. perhaps it can be described as dark acoustic ambient glitch. sadoru state was made using old-fucked up acoustic guitar, cheap mic & some electronic equitment. this is definitely a felicitous piece of art.
22. Mar 04 minimalist_-_light_ep-(20k074)-2004. minimalist is back on track with a convincing three track ep. the first 2 tracks show his first footsteps with fruity loops, the third one is made with logic like his other tracks. if you know his work, you won't be surprised by the tracks respectability. cool, straight techno, just what you need.
18. Mar 04 deemage_-_synthetic_type_of_psychedelic_funkin-(20k073)-2004. another release by an oezgyrs (turkish word for 'free') member, this time from deemage, coder machine and musician in one person. he's presenting us an ep with four short tracks, grungy lo-fi pop meets idm. interesting stuff!
14. Mar 04 minimalist_-_plattenrauschen_ep-(20k072)-2004. this is a minimal techno project where filtered vinyl hiss plays a leading part. this project will continue on 20kbps rec. as well as on minimalists own upcoming website. on this ep, 2 similar tracks can be heard, both are sexy & fresh.
09. Mar 04 atarix_-_done_until_its_morning-(20k071)-2004. another astonishing ep by atarix. the first track is a remake of an old elvis song, the second track is a great gamehop/bitpop track, and the last track is a smooth, cacophonic hiphop track.
05. Mar 04 tattvam-assi_-_thee_kali-sti_current-(20k070)-2004. direct from the kali-stic underground movement comes this unbelievable soundtrack for yoga. join the universal mind and become a brahman. tattvam-assi (meaning 'that art thou') is a side-project by hardliner. don't miss this lofi-stereo adventure!
02. Mar 04 OVERTHRUSTER_-_aciid_hiits-(20k069)-2004. aciiiiiiiiiiid! OVERTHRUSTER is back with his very own interpretation of acid house music. 5 mini-tracks explore the possible/impossible future of acid sound.
27. Feb 04 Acidrain_-_Nachtfahrt_Dunkelkammer-(20k068)-2004. acidrain is a talented producer from switzerland who released on record labels like handhouse rec. and giant & dwarf records. as a dj he played in many locations, eg dome, parkhaus / exodus, gate crasher 1-3. this ep is a 2 tracker, the first track is a minimal techhouse track, very groovy and sexy. the second one is a deep ambient track, dark & beatiful.
25. Feb 04 atarix_-_braindead_ep-(20k067)-2004. another fabulous two-tracker ep by our man from russia, atarix. the first track is really heavy instrumental hip-hop with an awesome bassline. the second track is more ambient, micromusic stuff, very deep shit.
25. Feb 04

the 20kbps rec. material is now available on too. check out the infopage.

22. Feb 04 Jimmy_Slaughter_-_Got_The_Gun_Again_(20k066)-2004. this ep is full of fat beats, loud guitars, asskickin basslines & dirty gangsta-vocals. jimmy slaughter, master of breakbeats, is back again with his 4th release on 20kbs rec. and he's got a gun. so take care. btw. jimmy slaughter is a sideproject by daftnoize's dk9.
16. Feb 04 atarix_-_smooth_taste_remedy_EP-(20k065)-2004. this is atarix from ex-USSR ex-kommunism reality risin at the top, with a new excellent intelligent underground hiphop 2 track ep.
11. Feb 04 k9d_-_dussint_ssoh-(20k064)-2004. it's k9d's birthday today, and he sent us a gift: this nu release. the first track is made on a amiga, with protracker. the second is a game-boy tune, more than 11 minutes long. good work like always. happy birthday, k9d.
09. Feb 04 atarix_-_floppy_swappers_EP-(20k063)-2004. this is atarix first release on 20kbps rec. he has released on many labels, eg a-klass rec., Dtrash rec., RIPtheSYSTEM, TokyoTribe. the 2-track ep was produced with a duron 1300 using Skale + VST. the first track sounds like electronic neo-folklore, the second ike intelligent hiphop. u can't get fresher than this guy from moscow/russia.
09. Feb 04 va_-_mio_star_compact_3000_electronic_ep-(20k062)-2004. all tracks are based on a mio star (a swiss vacuum cleaner) sample set. tracks by dk9, aunderwex, olga&fritz.
28. Jan 04 overthrustr_-_METH_DATE_DANCE_PARTY-(20k061)-2004. overthrustr's new release on 20kbps rec. is a 20 minutes long lsdj live-set, recorded in november 03. it starts with simple clickno and it ends with agressive, dark minimal noise. a 16kbps masterpiece.
24. Jan 04 Aunderwex_-_Neuromat_vs_Neuronaut_(20k060)-2004. aunderwex, dj and producer from lausanne (switzerland), is back with a brand new fantastic 2 track ep!!! spacy elektro-pop is waiting for you. i want you to walk into the light.
18. Jan 04 overthrustr_-_4_bit_sludge_n_bass-(20k059)-2004. NEW 4 BIT SOUNDS by OVERTHRUSTER. this 16 minutes sludge'n'bass release is a BOMB, attacking your soundsystem. all sound is done with gb sp, no samples were used. encoded in only 4kbps. join the war!
09. Jan 04 agentff6600_-_a_brave_new_world-(20k058)-2004. one of the best swiss trip hop producer has put away his gameboy, at least for this release, and present us a very complex & fine produced easy listening 2 track ep.
09. Jan 04 overthrustr_-_it_+_mouthcore_20-(20k057)-2004. as the title say, this is mouthcore. there are 5 noizy speedcore human beat box tracks on the ep, all are about a half a minute long.
07. Jan 04 kiddy_no_diddy_(k9d)_-_sahz_dawg-(20k056)-2003. our first release in 2004 comes from kiddy no diddy, who is no one else than a friend from minneapolis, k9d. are you ready for his janky underground hiphop beats?
28. Dez 03 20kbps rec. is around for a year now. on the 9 januar 04, from 11.00 till whenever (europeen timezone), we make a birthday-broadcast on kanal k.  for more infos go to synapse.
26. Dez 03 olga&fritz_-_untitled-(20k055)-2003. olga&fritz, head of the underground party-organisation synapse, techno producer and deejay from aarau has a brilliant nu acid track ready.
26. Dez 03 sita_-_einige_tracks_fuer_gert_von_heinz-(20k051)-2003 is no longer available for download.
15. Dez 03 kurmark_-_white widow_e.p.-(20k054)-2003. kurmark, techno poducer and dj from 'lutown' brings us his new dubby 2-track ep.
09. Dez 03 OVERTHRUSTER_-_xGBxHCx-(20k053)-2003. This is OVERTHRUSTER's debut-release on 20kbps rec. he already released on netlabels like microbio_records and does live-shows together with k9d in minneapolis. there are 3 tracks on the ep, the first one is more expirimental/north american style, the second is a experimental minimal thing and the third track is a rockin' beats electronic  punk song with a solo and everything. amazing stuff, encoded in only 16 kbps.
05. Dez 03 Kay_Nien_Dee_-_Th'_Ess_Tee_EP-(20k052)-2003. A month and two 2 days after his first release on 20kbps rec., k9d presents a fresh new 2 track ep. he shows us again, that he's the real master of little sound dj (a gameboy tracker). enjoy this fabulous downbeat release.
25. Nov 03 sita_-_einige_tracks_fuer_gert_von_heinz-(20k051)-2003. this album was originally released as a limited cdr in 2001, but now it's rereleased on 20 kbps rec. so everybody can leech it. in track one, daft punk's rolling & scratching meets thomas brinkmann's click ep (max.7). call it intelligent bastard pop. some of the tracks are very minimal, and in there spacyness, they create a strange atmosphere. i'm sure, you'll listen this album more than one time.
09. Nov 03 Dorfkrueppel_-_Vorhautentzuendung-(20k050)-2003. the hardliner, member of the amiga-group depth, is bringing us this fabulous 4 tracker ep. this EP just kicks ass, every song is made with a great amount of love. the last track has even lyrics, feel free to sing along. and check out the songtitles.
05. Nov 03 pimuri_-_kitchenbeat-(20k049)-2003. pimuri is a member of oezgyrs, a swiss demo crew. here's one of his famous kitchen-beat tracks. straight techno music with funny sounds from the kitchen.
03. Nov 03 k9d_-_jpeg_sekz-(20k048)-2003. k9d is a project by jordan gray who also releases stuff on broke bunny! and other net-labels. track 1 of this 2 track ep can be described as gameboy-hop. the second track is more straight and distorted. both tracks make heavy use of effects and alternations in the song-arrangement, this makes them very interesting to hear. great stuff!!!
29. Okt 03 cmd#3_vs._mr.real_-_WALKANDWAIT_E.P.-(20K047)-2003 is a 2 track split ep. cmd#3 starts with a repetive, minimal, grooving techno track, with extensive use of the 909 drummachine and the 808 cowbell. mr. real follows up with a 20 minutes long, hard, overdriven, but still minimal, percussive techno track.
27. Okt 03 Christop_Blocher_Orchester_-_Lieder_zur_Wiederwahl_(20k46)-2003. every track of this 5 track ep was composed, arranged, produced & mastered in 5 minutes. bastard pop meets underground hiphop meets noise meets idm.
05. Okt 03 profound beats from the beginning to the end. simpler presents a very good live recorded track. simpler_-_lärmbelästigung_e.p._(20k045)-2003
05. Okt 03 wonderful tech-trance with a lot of harmonys and driving rhythms. Unbekannt_-_Ghost_Mosquito_(20k044)-2003
01. Okt 03 brachial brings us a raw, on-going techno ep. it works on the dancefloor as well as at home. 40 minutes cool sound. brachial_-_scatter_e.p._(20k043)-2003
20. Sep 03 here we go again!!! after a break of nearly a month, 20 kbps rec. is back to present you a new real masterpiece of electronic music: agentff6600-agentff6600_(20k042)-2003 (get it, or we get you)
21. Aug 03 dance music that makes you addicted to it: Breschniev_&_Mech_-_B_The_DJM-(20k041)-2003
12. Aug 03 if you enjoy sex with birds, you'll enjoy this too: Haz+Laub_-_Birds_Are_Fucking_(20k040)-2003
29. Jul 03 this is the second longplayer released on 20 kbps rec. stAAahhll lets his 11 warriors fight and the incredible result is this: stAAahhll_-_Fight_(20k039)-2003
26. Jul 03 2 sexy remixes by willy (cadmium rec.): Haz_-_No_Nite_Long_(c_EX_c_Remixes)_(20k038)-2003
23. Jul 03 tooooooo hot, but still fucking cool:dkvsjt_-_35°_e.p._(20k37)-2003
19. Jul 03

distorted breakbeats & techno mixed with xxx-attitude. get the real shit! suKksLuT_-_porn_e.p._(20k036)

19. Jul 03 industrial microsound beatz produced by la plume who's working in the babydoll every 2nd saturday. La_Plume_-_Untitled_(20k035)
30. Jun 03 100% game boy, 100% quality, 100% agentorange. agentorange_-_spawned-(20k034)-2003
24. Jun 03 another astonishing 2-track ep from adolf neger. it's gonna be the earworm 2003: Adolf_Neger_-_Rettet_Die_Welt_(20k033)-2003
24. Jun 03 industrial-pop? well, whatever it is, play it back everyday: Maxi_Single_feat._Afolf_Neger_-_Blütezeit_(20k032)-2003
24. Jun 03 warning: don't play it loud Lukas Treyer_und_Yann_Blumer_-_Bettmümpfeli_(Noise_Remix)_(20k031)-2003
21. Jun 03 perfect lounging sound: Restposten_-_Aufgeräumt_(20k030)-2003
20. Jun 03 electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro electro: Elektronik_Abteilung_-_Seite_18_(20k029)-2003
20. Jun 03 marvellous grooving, this game boy tune is just what you need: agentorange_-_ignorance_(20k28)-2003
17. Jun 03 experimental noise: OST_-_N0izehaz_(Remix_By_Willi)_(20k27)-2003
17. Jun 03 dark and deep: Lukas_Treyer_und_Yann_Blumer_-_Bettmümpfeli_(20k26)-2003
08. Jun 03 Beautiful guitar soundscapes between tradition and innovation, enjoy this trip to nowhere. Lukas_Treyer_-_Geschenkter_Traum_(Ticket_Es_Paradis)_(20k25)-2003
26. May 03 exploring the bounderies of game boy sound design: Aunderwex_-_Nanosomie_(20k24)-2003
07. May 03 pure sensitive techno: DJ_Mechanick_-_Untitled_2_(20k23)-2003. DJ Mechanick is a member of cadmium rec. (
07. May 03 something cool for hot days: DJ_Mechanick_-_Untitled_(20k22)-2003
15. Apr 03

one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind:jT_-_1st_live_jam_03_(mit_reisbeilage_e.p.)_(20k21)-2003

15. Apr 03

Willi-The_Bladehunter_-_disturb_LIGHT_TaPeD_in_Reduced_bizz_(20k20) experimentel techno from the talented founder of cadmium records. for more amazing stuff visit:(

22. Mar 03 The Soundtrack to N0izeHaz by Laub+Haz: OST_-_N0izehaz_(20k19)-2003
19. Mar 03 leech or die: Gay_-_Butterbread_Remixes_(20k18)-2003
19. Mar 03 Acid_Gurke_-_303_esch_guet_EP_(20k17)-2003 WICKEEEEEEEEEED!!!!!
05. Mar 03 20 kbps rec. is redesigned by pl+haz!
04. Mar 03 we keep going: Audio_Peter_-_Wenn_Ich_Laufe_(20k16)-2003
04. Mar 03 a nu ravishing ep by the master of riot-beats: Jimmy_Slaughter_-_Northwave_Gangsta_(20k15)-2003
02. Mar 03 20 kbps rec. has moved to sofapause!
28. Feb 03 Bumm Bumm! Labortechniker_-_Sau_Rauslassen_EP_(20k14)-2003 (must have again!)
28. Feb 03 Stomp Stomp! Labortechniker_-_Abverreckte_Versuche_EP_(20k13)-2003 (must have too!)
28. Feb 03 Bang Bang! J.T._-_Box_Moving_EP_(20k12)-2003 (must have!)
23. Feb 03 Blasting Your Mind: Das_All_-_Digital_Monitor_(20k11)-2003
15. Feb 03 New 20 kbps logo
15. Feb 03 Nu EP: The_Dirigent_Vs_The_Orchestra_-_Live_At_Cyberspace_(20k10)-2003
06. Feb 03 20 kbps is back again with the nu incredible EP Yon4z_-_Like_My_Bitch_(20k09)
04. Jan 03 A new Year, a new EP Laub & Haz - Kanal K Vs Worms World Party (20k08)
28. Dez 02 Analogues Legacy is back with Analogues Legacy - 20 kbps Mono_(20k07)
28. Dez 02 Slamimg into your face: Jimme Slaughter - Pump The Riot (Up To 40k!!)
28. Dez 02 Very Hot and Brand New: Denner_-_Lakritze_EP_(20k05)
28. Dez 02 New release is out! Rebekka - Playing Bongos EP (20k04).
27. Dez 02 The New Electronic M - In The Airth_(20k03) is out on 20 kbps recordings. Check it out now.
27. Dez 02 20 kbps recordings proudly presentz Jimmy Slaughter - Kick Shit EP (20k2).20kbps at its best!!!
27. Dez 02 20 kbps recordings is online. check out the new release Hakin Basar - Fuck Fantasy (20k1).